2020 Michigan Pheasants Forever Convention

lschultz • February 11, 2020

Michigan Pheasants Forever (PF) held its annual convention on February 1, 2020, after having to reschedule due to severe weather. This event is held to celebrate the many conservation accomplishments by chapters and partner programs.

Aside from a social day with like-minded people, Michigan PF developed multiple education workshops to benefit attendees and give them something to take back to their members. Topics included influencing national law, influencing Michigan legislature, engaging women in the outdoors, media relations, fundraising, gaining broad-based public support for bird conservation, common dog injuries and Farm Bill opportunities.

I had the opportunity to speak during the Engaging Women Workshop to share my outdoor story as an adult-onset, woman hunter alongside Bill Fischer (Michigan Outreach Coordinator) and Dr. Sherry Teegardin (Volunteer Women’s Outreach Coordinator). Michigan is actively working to increase the participation of women in the field through outreach, learn-to-hunt opportunities and other social events. The workshop was positive and conversation energy was high among both men and women that attended.

Bill Vander Zouwen, Michigan’s Pheasants Forever Representative, presented the 2020 vision and said, “We are able to give something back, thankful for all the blessings we’ve received in life. We make a difference.”

“We each review the Chapter Challenge Checklist in our program packet and identify at least one thing we can do anew or better in the year ahead; we build awareness of Pheasants Forever in Michigan; we raise more money for our local, regional and national missions; and, then, we spend the money on mission.  We see ourselves as a powerful team rather than a bunch of individual clubs – both a Michigan team and a country-wide team.”

Thank you to the Pheasants Forever State Council and everyone that invested their time into making the convention a success! If you are interested in learning more about your Michigan leadership team, follow this link: http://www.michiganpheasantsforever.org/officers/

If you are interested in seeing more photos from the convention follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/MichiganPF/


The following award winners were honored at the convention:

  • Nest Cover Achievement Award (250+ acres):  Barry, Bay-Midland, Eaton, Hillsdale, Shiawassee
  • Food Plot Achievement Award (750+ acres): Bay-Midland, Mecosta-Osceola, Thumb
  • Shrubs and Trees Achievement Award (2,000+): Barry, Bay-Midland, Monroe
  • LAF Support Award ($5,000+): Bay-Midland, Branch, Clinton, Grand Valley, Macomb, St. Clair
  • NCLI Support Award ($5000+):  Macomb
  • Youth Membership Achievement Award (50+ on OMR): Bay-Midland, Branch, Genesee, Grand Valley, Isabella-Clare, South Central, St. Clair, Thumb, Washtenaw
  • National Rooster Booster Award (200+ adult members on OMR):  Bay-Midland, Grand Valley, Monroe, Saginaw, Shiawassee, St. Clair
  • Excellence in Education and Outreach Award: Clinton, Eaton, Genesee, Grand Valley, Isabella-Clare, Macomb, Montcalm, Saginaw, Shiawassee, South Central, St. Clair, Thumb, Washtenaw
  • National Rooster Booster Award ($5000+ PF merchandise) – Branch, Clinton, Grand Valley, Isabella-Claire, Lapeer, Mecosta-Osceola, Monroe, Montcalm, Thumb, St. Clair, Washtenaw
  • Bronze Sponsor Chapter: Allegan, Jackson, Montcalm and South Central Chapters
  • Silver Sponsor Chapter: Eaton, Genesee, Lenawee, Monroe, Saginaw, St. Joseph, Thumb Chapters
  • Long Spur Society Honors: Bob Andrews, Tim Golm, Vicki Hillborg, Cris Obreiter, Mark Robbins, Kevin Schafer, Dan Zoller
  • Volunteer of the Year:  Steve Oberle, Monroe Chapter and Dave Robbins, Bay-Midland Chapter
  • Partner of the Year:  Holly Vaughn, MDNR Communications Specialist
  • Education and Outreach Champion: Montcalm Chapter
  • Habitat Champion (1835 acres + over 12,000 shrubs/trees):  Bay/Midland Chapter
  • Membership Champion (340 adult + 93 youth):  St. Clair Chapter
  • Corporate Partner Award: Consumers Energy ($103,000 grant)
  • Gold Sponsor Chapters: Bay-Midland, Branch, St. Clair, Washtenaw Chapters
  • Platinum Sponsor Chapters:  Clinton, Grand Valley Chapter, Macomb Chapter

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