Michigan Wildlife Cooperatives

A field of yellow and purple flowers with trees in the background

In 2016, the Michigan Wildlife Cooperatives program was created to assist in the creation and enhancement of wildlife cooperatives in Michigan. Funding for this program concluded in 2020. However, there are still several resources available to help you connect with your neighbors to help improve habitat for wildlife.


Social engagement. Being able to share hunting stories and experiences is key to increasing satisfaction. Having an organized cooperative allows for these conversations to occur, and facilitates conversations oriented around how to improve hunting conditions in your area.

Landscape-level management. A single landowner has a pretty good idea of what activity and habitat look like on their property. However, most wildlife has a range greater than the average parcel size. Having a wildlife cooperative will allow landowners to talk about their properties in the context of a greater whole, enabling the group to get a better feel for what is happening from a broad perspective and with combined data.

Shared resources. Once some relationships have been established within a cooperative, neighbors may be more likely to share resources that they are in possession of. For example, if a farmer has a till they may be willing to let others in the cooperative use it. Another option would be to chip in with a couple of neighbors and rent any needed equipment. Cooperative members can also work on each other’s habitat projects, increasing the enjoyment of work by sharing it with others.


Click Here for Cooperative Leader Resources
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