MUCC Annual Convention

MUCC's 2025 Annual Convention will be held at Treetops Resort in Gaylord, Michigan from March 7-9!

Registration forms and club authorizations must be received by MUCC no later than February 19, 2025.

Every year since 1937, we have gathered to set the conservation agenda for Michigan. This year, we will convene in Gaylord at Treetops Hotel from March 7-9.

Why attend Convention?

The involvement of you and your organization in this process is vital to the success of MUCC. Sending representatives from your club ensures that your voice and your priorities are reflected in the work that MUCC does.


You can complete your registration by using the forms that were mailed to you, downloading them from the buttons below, or submitting them online via the following links. If you are attending as a Club Representative, you will need to complete BOTH  the attendee registration and club authorization form.

Registration Rates

  • Convention 2025: Voting Delegate Registration  $100.00
  • Convention 2025: Additional Club Delegate $85.00
  • Convention 2025: Awards Dinner $75.00

Location & Accommodations

Treetops Resort: 3962 Wilkinson Rd, Gaylord, MI 49735

Please reserve your room immediately. The room block expires at the end of this month. Contact TreeTops Resort at 1-866-348-5249, option 1, and reference the MUCC Annual Convention.


MUCC Resolutions for 2025 Convention (Subject to grammatical edits and formatting edits)


Contact Elyse Kopietz at or 517-346-6463

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