BREAKING: 2021 Michigan bigfoot hunt makes waves

Bigfoot, also known by the scientific name sasquatch, are slated to be hunted this fall after nuisance complaints and copious “I swear I saw one” reports surfaced. 

While normally thought of as an Upper Peninsula-specific species, it is hypothesized that many years ago several Yoopers thought a good April Fools’ Day joke would be transplanting some ‘squatches to the Lower Peninsula.

And so, as the story goes, they loaded their rowboats with a pair of sedated bigfoots and traversed the treacherous Straits of Mackinac. After reaching McGulpin Rock, da Yoopers released the bigfoot pair and, in true UP fashion, never spoke of the endeavor until years later.

Throughout the 20th century, the pair was spotted several times in the Northern Lower Peninsula, and some even claim they saw them with young. It is thought that the reported sightings of ‘squatches have been conflated with the Dogman, which roams the counties of Wexford, Missaukee, Grand Traverse, Lake and Osceola around Halloween each year.

According to a department representative, bigfoot have seen a rise in population numbers and nuisance complaints leading to this landmark decision. While the species is usually reclusive, the rise in population has forced groups of bigfoot to move their home locations.

“We’ve been getting a lot more reports of them, and frankly, I was almost certain I saw one the other day myself,” said the representative. “After years of research and a 94% assurance rate that they even exist, I’d say it’s about time we took action.”

MUCC Executive Director Amy Trotter remarked on the road that led us to this point.

“While our members still can’t wrap their heads around the complex science leading to a population explosion of sasquatch in Michigan’s two peninsulas, it is clear management efforts need to be undertaken,” Trotter said.

MUCC’s membership will be closely monitoring the baiting of bigfoot this fall during the hunting season and MUCC members are only accepting of the hunt if airbows are the only method of take AND hunter pink camo is worn.

“I’ve fought many years to keep misogyny out of conservation,” Trotter said. “And I’ll be darned if I am going to have some men tell me what clothing I should wear outside or why they think women ‘need’ or ‘don’t need’ pink camo.”

Following in Oklahoma’s footsteps, but of course doing it better, Michigan was able to expediently move a bigfoot hunt along. While the Oklahoma legislation is still in limbo, Michigan is proud to be the first in the country to offer a tag for the species.

If you’ve read this far and haven’t realized that this is an April Fools’ Day joke, then maybe a bigfoot license is just the right thing for you or a loved one. Donate $5 if this made you laugh today. Donate $20 if you’d like a 2021 MUCC Calendar with actual hunting, fishing and trapping season dates.  

Since 1937, Michigan United Conservation Clubs has protected your outdoor heritage and rights to hunt, fish and trap. Join us today to become an active part of Michigan’s conservation legacy:


  1. Judy Suggs on April 19, 2021 at 3:05 am

    I am very interested in big foot sittings in Michigan and would like to be involved

    • Charles hall on June 17, 2021 at 5:52 am

      My father and I in 2015 had just reached our property about an hour before sundown in early May. As he was pulling grill out and myself placing kindling in fire pit approx 5 mins after our arrival I heard a sound ive not ever heard from a known animal coming towards us that made my hair stand on end. Initially I assumed a bear. Although ive lived in rural northern mi many years of my life and took trails to my friends homes as a child ive not ever heard such a sound. Before I could say anything to my father he was already behind me passing me his pistol exclaiming for me to shoot it. It’s vocals had the deepest bass sound I have ever heard from any animal in this state. It was not any sound a bear bobcat nor fox would make. I fired a shot into a nearby stump so as to scare it off and it did not. It let loose with another roar clearly closer. No animal in years spent in woods have ever made me feel this way. My father who is a veteran of the army once more stated for me to shoot it. I could hear it moving back and forth just beyond sight in thicket. I refused based on fact that I couldnt see it. We walked him behind me about 15 ft to our right to easment to property. At the point I took one step towards it pistol at the ready it took flight across trail faster than I have ever seen anything move. Once it was about 100 yards to our right it once again let out that tremendous growl I’ll describe it as. This is in an area that is 95 percent state land with one neighbor within miles. Very isolated. It was no bobcat nor bear nor fox ive heard them all. Its speed was incredible and our visit to property was first time we had been since late summer year prior. I have zero question as to what I saw and or what I heard as well as my father. Area is in union township grand traverse county. Nothing ive ever encountered in woods has ever made my adrenalin pump like that nor the hair on my neck stand up as it did. The speed this thing possessed was not like any animal I have ever seen,and the bass of its roar rattled my chest. There are many bear in area there and ive seen plenty it was not one. As well a bobcat, fox , wolf, cougar ,etc. The volume of this creatures roar litteraly turned my father a veteran into a track star to pass me the pistol. And him being a very experienced hunter in area as well as myself makes his proclamation to shoot it immediately speak for itself. Ive not ever told this story to anyone without stating it was a bear to avoid ridicule. I will never forget that roar this thing made and I pray I dont ever hear it again.

      • Ryan M. on April 2, 2023 at 3:09 pm

        Hello Charles,
        I understand your encounter completely as I too experienced the roar in the fall of 2011. I’m 53 now and had just turned 41. I’ve been hunting my whole life and began shooting when I was 8-9 years old in the backwoods of NE Oklahoma. This was mid-October just after sunrise bow hunting about 18-22 feet up in a stationary stand. Suddenly you could hear a pin drop as all activity ceased then a loud crash of something heavy crashing through limbs and leaves about 30 yards behind me. It was so sudden and loud that I flinched so hard that I know I lifted out of my seat and yelled “fuck”! Then this thing let out a deep to higher pitched growl/ scream that seemed to last forever, I thought my eyes were going to pop out of the sockets. By the 3rd scream I’d decided to jump up and spin around to face what I thought was going to eat me alive, (always hunting with a safety harness). All I saw was about a 2′ owl just as it took flight. I never bothered to really look around but was barely able to stand I was trembling so hard. I’ve had dear follow me and coyotes follow me all the way to my stand and even heard a hog or two, all of which never really bothered me. This bothered me so bad I think of it every day and have been back to that spot only to harvest my stand. I’ve even only hunted one other time for half a day SE of OKC when I shot my buck of a lifetime maybe 2 weeks after this encounter. I can’t force myself back in the woods.

    • J B on June 27, 2021 at 11:30 pm

      Oct 1st 1975 near Lacy Mich had an encounter while hunting. That same year there was 3 encounters near Battle Creek by the Kalamazoo River and later on in that fall a MSP Officer and a DNR officer made a official report of a sighting that they both had made on the south side of the Ft Custer Military property near I-94 and Skyline Dr. All but my encounter was published in the Battle Creek Enquirer at that time.
      For years there has been something known as the Cooper Rd monster in Lacey I did not learn this until later in the year from an old farmer.
      I have been laughed at many times for telling my story and it is rather long winded but I know what I saw and mainly what myself and my brother in law witnessed.

      • Hunter on June 3, 2024 at 11:24 am

        I would love to hear more on this, any way you can share more on the Cooper Rd monster and you’re own personal encounter?

    • Michael P Daley on October 28, 2021 at 10:10 pm


    • Ryan Thomas on December 11, 2021 at 11:16 pm

      There up North by Newberry mi no one camps up there no more had a encounter by Ghost Forest by Sandunes Northern Mi there all In National Park want a encounter go evening around Ghost Forest anywhere in that area guarantee

    • Tiffany on March 10, 2022 at 1:24 pm

      I’ve had a sighting in the Henry lake area and it was I’d say 100 ft away from me. I’m not joking around either. These beings absolutely exist. They don’t need to be protected either. They’re a kind of peoples that have existed for many centuries if not thousands of years. I was put cutting basalm in the up for about 2 months camping in a tent until the snow got to deep to cut anymore. I work in the dental field and am a veteran if that gives my experience any validation. I don’t need and don’t care about anyone’s thoughts on this as too many have a preconceived ideas about what is on this planet. They exist

    • jerri younger on April 22, 2022 at 5:36 pm

      they can scoff if they want to, but in 1972 or 1973, I was with my boyfriend and we were taking thebacks from reading to coldwater when he wanted to pull over to go take a pee. as it was at the edge of the woods on a dirt road we didn’t think anyone would see him. He left the headlights on and I was thinking that the full moon on the snow in the cut down corn field would make a beautiful picture. It was then I saw movement to the right of the car, along the edge of the woods. I figured it was a deer coming to feed. A bigfoot stepped out in front of the car, about 20 feet away. It stopped in the middle of the road and crossed over and disappeared from sight. I opened the door to get out and try to see if I could see it again when my Dale said, “Get in the car and shut the door.” He was scared. I’d never heard him scared before. He was one of those big country, macho duck kind of guys. So, that sacred me i slammed the door shut and opened his a little.. if he wanted me.. I figured he wanted in. I watched sidestep around to the door, looking in 2 directions. Finally he got to the door, jumped in, slammed the door shut and gunned the car and as we took off something slammed into the back of the car, putting us into a sideways skid. He got the car under control and we got out of there. When we got to my house we were scared and shook up. We didn’t get out of the car right away. we were upset. Finally my mom and asked if everything was okay when she saw the huge dent in his car. we looked at it and found long claw marks in the dent. Finally my mom convinced us to go to the police. We were afraid they would think we were drug addled teens. instead they were mad because they’d had a rash of problems connected to bigfoot.

      • Todd Klekotka on July 12, 2022 at 9:20 pm

        Jerri Younger,
        That’s incredible! I never even thought about big foot until a friend of a friend claimed to see one in the Harrison State Forest area next to Manistee. At first I had that thought of “no way”, but it caught my interest and over the years, I’ve found and seen some weird things that I cannot explain. People laugh when I tell them I’ve seen a ufo, not once but twice. Once in Howard City and again in Grand Rapids. The older I get, the more of an open mind I keep.

    • Mr. Milller on December 30, 2022 at 6:16 am

      I will be putting together a small group of folks that will be headed out in mid to late spring, it’s for, Tracking and observation purposes and to set up a few 6 month motion sensor cameras and special made recording cameras that will make sure there are ZERO fuzzy pics & zero it looks like man in a suit make the title say Michigan Big Foot expedition , or you probably won’t get a response, there will be no 4 wheelers and no B.S. like those tv shows where folks go out asking bigfoot if he would like to talk, those shows are all JOKES, this is on serious level not a line my pockets level, any ghillie suits are welcome and would be smart if you bought one. Looking for at least 7 people that understand it will not be a camping trip it will not be a let’s have a cook out and make as much of a stink and noise as possible, open to any and all ideas.

  2. Auston Kornacki on May 9, 2021 at 5:20 pm

    I’m from Michigan, I’d love to get out there and find one!

    • Charles Christopher on November 23, 2021 at 9:35 pm

      I am from Florida.but now I live in Dearborn, mi do I join the michigan….

    • Ryan on January 19, 2022 at 11:52 am

      I hear they are all over northern Michigan. You just gotta explore different forests and look for the tree breaks and bends and all the other odd things they do.

  3. Drew Crawford on May 11, 2021 at 3:06 pm

    Would definitely like to go on an expedition if any are being put together. Please send info if anything is happening in the great lakes state. Thank you

    • Teri(lyn) Moulton on January 27, 2022 at 3:31 am

      Y’all don’t even have to go that far north.

      Their right here in Holly Mi. Gees people.

      Many witness encounters for decades.

      My husband and I both got call backs ( whoops), way out in the swampy areas in the middle of the night!
      No people out there and there’s no other animal in north America capable of what we heard!

      Even the forner manager of the very village of Holly itself seen one herself in the Late 90’s about 2-3 miles of where we heard them.

      I know many more witnesses.

      Sightings and encounters here go back decades.

      The landscape here is swampy wetland type bodies of water galore, very old well established farm land and very mature forested areas. All this is tightly intertwined.
      There’s a huge population of white tail and so many other species of wildlife.

      So not only is there plenty of food, water and cover to sustain a creature population of that size, there’s just enough people living in these area’s that they are seen and heard from time to time.

      In fact Holly was featured on the tv show “Monsters and Mysteries in America”. Season two episode four.
      Linda Godfree covers that story. Shes a friend of mine

      Except the witness featured in that particular show describes a more dogman type creature which have also got a steep history here as well.

      This type of landscape goes on and on forever. .. And connects strait to northern Mi. So any wildlife can travel here easily.

      The best time to come is late summer when the cattails are mature.

      I can be found on Facebook.

      I know most of the people on tv shows about bigfoots including Dr. Melba Ketchum
      Dr. Jeffree Meldrom

      And so many many others.

      • Jeff Nay on November 13, 2023 at 12:42 am

        Hi Teri. I live in Battle Creek Michigan. I am a hunter and fisherman. I have hunted and fished all over the state in many rural and isolated spots. I’ve never seen or heard Bigfoot but I am a believer. I would love to go on an expedition sometime to explore more of Bigfoot in michigan!!! How can I hook up with you to do this??? I’m 68 years old but in good shape…

    • Kevin Larges on April 5, 2022 at 11:58 am

      I am thinking of doing a weekend hunt this summer. Trying to figure out the logistics and location as I am a total amatuer in this field of study. I have been a ghost hunter for over 15 years but would love to do this.

  4. Fred Oakes on May 12, 2021 at 3:30 pm

    Manistee National forest near Wellston…they are there.

    • Bonnie LaRose on May 25, 2021 at 6:05 pm

      I was raised in Wellston area and ran the woods like a crazy girl. Loved the woods. Hunted and fished there until I was 30 years old. Now that I read all this it kind of scares me thinking Bigfoot could have been there

      • Jeffrey Scharfenkamp on August 27, 2021 at 3:49 am

        That would have been awesome

      • Karen Beckman on September 26, 2021 at 1:51 pm

        Hello Bonnie, I Understand What your trying to say but when you were out Running those same wood’s like as you say a Crazy Girl did u ever stop and think about the Bear’s that are living in those same Wood’s???? I Mean in all My Year’s of Watching Show’s on BigFoot and Following People on the internet who have had encounter’s with Him!! I Have Never Heard about BigFoot or Sasquatch whatever you want to call him or her it’s Never been documented that they have ever mauled a hunter to death or even attacked them in any way besides maybe throwing a rock or camping on a tree or something of that nature.So if I was you I Wouldn’t Be as Scared of Something That Would Just Try and scare me out of his area, Than to be Torn apart or even mauled!!!! So if or When you ever get the urge to run through the woods like that crazy girl used too you Might not want about him watching u so you won’t get too close I Would worry about Stumbling into a Bear’s Territory!! Ok Sweetie But Enjoy The Wood’s just be AWARE!! That’s How We Do It and You Go Crazy Girl it’s great to Hear of another Woman Who Loves The OutDoors!!!! Have a Wonderful Time always be Safe and God Bless fellow Nature Lover!!

    • Jan Ehl on May 30, 2021 at 9:51 am

      Can you be more specific? I would love to research the area!

    • James Beaubien on June 27, 2021 at 11:46 pm

      I agree 100%

    • Justin Dungey on November 11, 2021 at 3:29 am

      I’m from Michigan. I seen one in kalakaska and if people are gonna hunt one with less than a .50cal , shooting it is pointless.

      • James lindell on March 29, 2022 at 10:59 pm

        Full auto 50 that is what the military uses in Canada that and an army with a surprise attack plan. Also they also use infrared radar real time from the satellite. They went after a clan of 11:00 full size Sasquatch and the 50 cal snipers were three snipers on one Sasquatch and they all shot at the same time simultaneously at a headshot just to kill this thing. These things are no joke and they need the military to help us to get rid of these human eating monsters and there is also no joke the reason why they went after this clan was they were kidnapping children and that’s how they found the clan these children were in the clan and some of them were grown up and they couldn’t talk English and they were just wild kids. Thanks for your time man my name is James lindale I was in the Air Force in Florida on gunships and we seen these animals back in the 80s migrating into Florida. Thanks for your time man hopefully I did not overstep my boundaries there with my conversation you hit the nail on the head though we need at least 50 caliber power to get to these animals they’re 10 ft tall and 1100 lb and the ones in Canada are bigger they’re 12 foot and up to 1600 lb these aren’t apes they are monsters. I live in Fenton so this is getting close to home for me they’ve had sightings in Holly and between Fenton and Lansing people going camping have got her ass by these things there has got to be thousands if not hundreds of thousand in the world today of these animals that are evasive.

    • Tglo on December 11, 2021 at 11:45 pm

      He’s telling the truth that’s kind close where I was there not hiding really there.

    • Mark Bonello on January 8, 2022 at 9:51 am

      Hunting them is quite literally insane. This is especially true if they are as intelligent and aware as the stories indicate. Leave them be.

    • Jim frie on January 16, 2022 at 4:10 am

      I am from central Minnesota and I had 4 encounters with Bigfoot all in the month of November 2020. 3 were in Minnesota and one in North Dakota. I have never seen one before in my life or looked for one before. I was always skeptical. But now I believe in them. A lot happened in these 4 encounters that has changed my life forever. The last time was the worst. I was in the woods and I knew I was going to die in the next 30 seconds Because he was hunting and chasing me. There is no words to describe this feeling. I also saw things happen very close to me that are unexplainable and not from this planet. Because what I witnessed. We can’t do these things on earth. I know with out a doubt that this animal ever turns on humans. We don’t have a chance. I just hope that if you see one that you don’t have the same experience I did. It’s not worth it. It will mess you up the rest of your life.

      • Teri(lyn) Moultom on January 27, 2022 at 3:37 am

        Would love to hear more please. See my other comments to find my story. I am on Facebook

    • Teri(lyn) Moulton on January 27, 2022 at 3:34 am

      Would love to chat sometime Fred please see my comment above 🙂

  5. Beth Anne on May 18, 2021 at 1:33 pm

    i saw bigfoot in rocky mountain national park, he pulled me to the ground and dragged me along the forest floor. I will be returning next week to make peace with this savage animal >:( p.s. bigfoot is kinda hot lol

  6. Jennifer Panarelli on May 23, 2021 at 3:15 am

    I believe digfoot is real.

  7. Dawn on June 7, 2021 at 12:32 am

    Saw one last Wednesday in May 2021 west side of 75 south between westbranch michigan and Pinconning standings about waist deep in water and then it bent to grasp something under the water

    • Kristen on June 20, 2021 at 6:04 pm

      Crazy!! I travel that hwy often to visit my mom in West Branch. Was it standing right off the hwy? And you said water but what water??

    • Laura White on October 28, 2021 at 4:37 pm

      I wonder if you will see another one? Were you by the water?

    • Mike Reotch on November 2, 2021 at 2:16 am

      West Branch is the Bigfoot capitol of the state. From there to the bridge it is loaded with them.

  8. Bill FORBES on June 7, 2021 at 2:07 am

    Dog man sighted in Luther Swamp November of 1991 while deer hunting far back in the Luther swamp….never will I ever deer hunt again!!!!!! EVER!!!

    • Nick on August 25, 2021 at 12:09 am

      Our hunting property consists of part of the Luther swamp…surrounded by the state land. Hope your kidding

    • Mike Reotch on November 2, 2021 at 2:18 am

      Attacked by one in 1986 near Elk Rapids. It left scratches all over our car

  9. Bigfoot on June 12, 2021 at 10:07 am

    A US state could offer a $ 25,000 reward for capturing Bigfoot.

  10. Debra Liddy on June 20, 2021 at 2:42 pm

    making big foot t-shirts taking orders

  11. Jim on June 25, 2021 at 11:16 pm

    Actually, published news reports in Lower Peninsula newspapers go back to the 1800s.

  12. Roland on June 26, 2021 at 9:51 am

    1) “Sasquatch” is not the scientific name. That name comes from Native Americans.
    2) Sasquatch is not thought of as an “Upper Peninsula-specific species.”

  13. Michael, Holt on June 27, 2021 at 2:37 am

    I have heard of bigfoot sightings in Caro michigan off Washburn Rd. Also have seen tracks that were not bear or human found on our road off west wells Rd in Caro michigan now my concern is how many more have been seen in my from South Florida and we have the skunk ape ..

  14. Bob Smith on June 27, 2021 at 11:01 pm

    You’re going to need a while lot more than air bows.

    Do you guys even listen to Sasquatch Chronicles podcast?

  15. Susie Q on July 10, 2021 at 5:58 am

    I saw him on Joy Rd, Northfield township, Washtenaw County summer of ’89.
    I was with two other people.

  16. L.c.harris lll on July 20, 2021 at 8:31 pm

    Keep reporting ….

  17. Ryan Ellis on July 24, 2021 at 2:44 pm

    I would love to go on an expedition to find a Bigfoot anywhere in Michigan. My son is absolutely obsessed with anything Bigfoot it would be amazing to take him with me on one of these expeditions. Any info on how to become a member of any Michigan Bigfoot research team would be awesome thanks.

  18. RaP on August 1, 2021 at 1:10 am

    Bigfoot saw me and no one believes him

    • Nessie on November 5, 2021 at 3:00 pm

      Now that’s hilarious

  19. Crys on September 24, 2021 at 7:34 am

    Bigfoot tracks spotted near Frederic crossing I-75

    • Teri Moulton on January 27, 2022 at 3:59 am

      I hope you can find my comment. Here Ill try to copy and paste.

      Honey I will join you in a heartbeat! They seem to like my voice. At least Ive been told by seasoned bigfoot reasearchers. Ive gotten call backs both here in Holly Mi and in Ohio down at Salt Fork state park at a bigfoot conference. We stayed after everyone else left and basically had that entire park to ourselves that night. Oh yes dear we heard them for a good hour that night!

      Teri(lyn) Moulton on January 27, 2022 at 3:31 am
      Your comment is awaiting moderation.

      Y’all don’t even have to go that far north.

      Their right here in Holly Mi. Gees people.

      Many witness encounters for decades.

      My husband and I both got call backs ( whoops), way out in the swampy areas in the middle of the night!
      No people out there and there’s no other animal in north America capable of what we heard!

      Even the forner manager of the very village of Holly itself seen one herself in the Late 90’s about 2-3 miles of where we heard them.

      I know many more witnesses.

      Sightings and encounters here go back decades.

      The landscape here is swampy wetland type bodies of water galore, very old well established farm land and very mature forested areas. All this is tightly intertwined.
      There’s a huge population of white tail and so many other species of wildlife.

      So not only is there plenty of food, water and cover to sustain a creature population of that size, there’s just enough people living in these area’s that they are seen and heard from time to time.

      In fact Holly was featured on the tv show “Monsters and Mysteries in America”. Season two episode four.
      Linda Godfree covers that story. Shes a friend of mine

      Except the witness featured in that particular show describes a more dogman type creature which have also got a steep history here as well.

      This type of landscape goes on and on forever. .. And connects strait to northern Mi. So any wildlife can travel here easily.

      The best time to come is late summer when the cattails are mature.

      I can be found on Facebook.

      I know most of the people on tv shows about bigfoots including Dr. MelKetchum
      Dr Jeffrey Meldrum. And thousands moree

      Cassandra Hughes on October 4, 2021 at 12:35 pm
      Hey I have a cabin in wellston withing the middle of the Manistee national Forrest only way to it is a mile down a 2 track its perfect for any searches of cryptids if anyone want to join in and help gather any equipment we need I will provide the shelter I have a cabin that fits alot of people we have several large beds and I’d love to get a tram together and go searching !! Who’s with me !? -Cassandra Hughes (Stauffer)

  20. Cassandra Hughes on October 4, 2021 at 12:35 pm

    Hey I have a cabin in wellston withing the middle of the Manistee national Forrest only way to it is a mile down a 2 track its perfect for any searches of cryptids if anyone want to join in and help gather any equipment we need I will provide the shelter I have a cabin that fits alot of people we have several large beds and I’d love to get a tram together and go searching !! Who’s with me !? -Cassandra Hughes (Stauffer)

    • Chuck c on November 23, 2021 at 9:48 pm

      I have seen a skunk ape in the Everglades and they are real..!!!!!

    • Rob on March 1, 2022 at 11:33 pm

      I’ll go

  21. Arthur on October 22, 2021 at 3:08 pm

    I’d be down, plan it

  22. Laura White on October 28, 2021 at 4:40 pm

    Did you find anyone yet? If I had the equiptment I would so go

  23. Mike Reotch on November 2, 2021 at 2:14 am

    And this is why the research isn’t taken seriously when ridiculous stuff like this is posted…
    Maybe you should call Rick Dyer and he could show you his big rubber dummy.

    There is real research going on.

    DNA has been found.

    Scat, hair samples, and probable teeth have been obtained.

    They habituate every country, and there are around 3 million just in the US alone according to the US military.

    Your conspiracy theory jokes and BS make you look ridiculous.

    1700 reports just in one Eastern state alone.

    Maybe whoever wrote this drivel should actually research the subject first before trying to make good people look bad, have you actually been in the forest looking?? I suspect never…

  24. Tglo on December 11, 2021 at 11:19 pm

    There up North by Newberry mi no one camps up there no more had a encounter by Ghost Forest by Sandunes Northern Mi there all In National Park want a encounter go evening around Ghost Forest anywhere in that area guarantee

  25. Tglo on December 11, 2021 at 11:22 pm

    They have the young scouting the area be aware they are watching Newberry mi all the way up to the falls

  26. Tglo on December 11, 2021 at 11:42 pm

    Tahquamenon Falls Mi. Where there at tons of them be aware when camping or fishing be armed very dangerous for ur kids there really out there and very highly alert when tourists going to see falls be alert ur in there area some falls at Tahquamenon Falls Mi by Newberry Mi going in nature daytime be aware I rented a beach house and was exploring falls and new berry area had use bathroom by Ghost Forest there’s a trail right there had a Erie feeling about the Forest left went down not even 2 miles just sight seeing made a right at first exit went into a trail like forest type seen a young bigfoot watching the exit me and my girlfriend we just came from New Berry bear attraction seen all the bears but what I seen in forest look at at us coming in the exit to the trail I didn’t notice it til it moved and leaped in the air like a monkey with hands we and my girlfriend was astonished one way in one way out turn around it was gone I believe it warned others cause it disappeared fast I was watching how the campers sit at the beach me recalling the trip was wired cause so much wilderness and lakes by lake superior very nice there definitely masters of stalking so definitely do not go alone or unarmed in Northern Mi by Tahquamenon Falls Mi Please No kids u be on camping trip or familys with young this is definitely a Great Warning.

  27. Ryan on January 2, 2022 at 4:21 pm

    With due respect “sasquatch” is not a “scientific” name, it’s native American in origin. Peace.

  28. Robert Cundiff on February 16, 2022 at 4:03 pm

    We bought a cabin up in Baldwin Michigan, the first day I was out there we heard a knock so I knocked on the tree next to us and that night my son thought he came over to the cabin and was whistling and throwing rocks at the cabin we moved into their area because the cabin hadn’t been occupied for 30 years we hear. I wouldn’t mess with them very very dangerous animal, they’ll try to intimidate you out of the year their area, so anybody That is Bigfoot hunting I wish them luck and safety.

  29. Cheryl A Brandli on March 2, 2022 at 4:33 pm

    When I was a little kid 60 years ago. I heard on the radio a bigfoot had been seen by deer hunters in Fort Custer Battle Creek.

  30. Ron Cassizzi on April 8, 2022 at 5:15 pm

    There was an article in the West Branch paper a couple of years back when a hunter caught a photo on one of his trail cams of a juvenile bigfoot near Morris lake.

  31. Ron Cassizzi on April 8, 2022 at 5:18 pm

    I spoke to 4 men who saw one 14 years ago .It was spotted between St.Helen and Roscommon.

  32. WMN on April 29, 2022 at 10:38 am

    The Garçon sketch by Chicago PD. In1964 the area of SW Michigan Sister Lakes north of Dowagiac was being stalked and attacked by a large hairy creature. Several local residents and Chicago resorters reported the sightings. It was later reported this creature had been seen for several years by residents and even the Potawatomi people. Although they were afraid to report most sightings because of being ridiculed. The most interesting incident or sighting was the passenger train where passengers reported to Chicago PD when the train arrived there. They stated their train was attacked by a large hairy creature between Dowagiac and Decatur Mi near the small community of Glenwood while parked at a sighting waiting for another train to pass. When the train arrived arrived in Chicago there was visible damage to the train from the attack.Many other sightings and incidents were reported mainly during the early 1960s.

  33. Mike Merrill on May 16, 2022 at 9:54 am

    I knew right from the beginning of this it was fake

  34. Jim B on June 24, 2022 at 12:09 pm

    I used to live in West Branch back in the forest off Dow Road. When my wife and I first moved into our very secluded house we stood on the deck outside behind the house one night. I heard a large animal moving quickly on two feet directly toward us but it was totally dark out so we couldnt see anything. It made it’s way almost all the way to our deck where we stood and i told my wife let’s go in the house. I just had a really bad feeling about whatever it was. I found out later that those woods were notorious for Big Foot sightings. I continued to explore in daylight anyway but never had another encounter.

  35. Todd J Klekotka on July 12, 2022 at 9:30 pm

    I’ve never seen one in person. I’ve found the tree formations that are highly talked about in secluded area’s out in the bush. I’ve heard screeches and whistling at night as well. One animal that’s commonly mistaken for a bigfoot howl are the screams a fox can make. If you’ve never heard it before, it can make someone’s hair stand on end. I know what I’ve heard and the difference, especially the whistling, no birds that I know of 1:30 in the morning and far apart from one another. I also believe there’s a lot of people out there who do not want the truth to come out for one reason or another. If I was to ever go looking for one, I wouldn’t be using all kinds of lighted equipment either. The shows on TV are entertainment at best. That’s why they never see one straight up on camera. Half the time they spook everything away. I think most sightings happen by chance, right time, right place.

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