July 2023 NRC Recap

Judge Orders Federal Protections for Wolves be Restored

On Thursday, February 10th, U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey S. White put gray wolves back on the Endangered Species List. The federal wolf ruling halts scientific wolf management and overturns the United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s 2020 rule (85 Fed. Reg. 69,778 Nov. 3 2020) removing the wolves throughout the lower 48 states from the list and placing them under state management.

Amy Trotter, executive director of Michigan United Conservation Club (MUCC) issued the following statement. “We are extremely disappointed by the federal district court’s ruling, which effectively moves wolves back under federal management.  The fact of the matter is that wolves in the western Great Lakes states are fully recovered. They’re not endangered and they’re not threatened. The continued litigation of this population, under any designation, makes a mockery of the Endangered Species Act and jeopardizes its integrity to be used for truly endangered species.”

MUCC and its members have remained steadfast in advocating in every venue that the best available scientific data drive the conversation surrounding wolf management in Michigan and that this species be managed through a legal, regulated hunting and trapping season. This federal court decision prevents state management once again.

MUCC will consider all legal and legislative options to stop this merry-go-round once and for all, but to compete with the deep pockets of national anti-hunting organizations, we will need your help.



  1. Chris Robinson on February 10, 2022 at 10:24 pm

    How can this judge just rule on this out of the blue? Who appointed this judge to make this ruling?

  2. Todd McLain on February 11, 2022 at 12:56 am

    There could be 2,000 wolves in Michigan and they will still be listed as endangered.
    Meanwhile the rest of the wildlife in this State will continue to suffer.
    It is now time to take matters into our own hands.

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