On the Ground: Volunteer Input Requested

With more than 3,000 volunteers and more than 150 wildlife habitat improvement projects completed, the On the Ground (OTG) program has impacted wildlife habitat on public land throughout Michigan over the past eight years. As we look back and review the past eight field seasons, we are compiling data and reports to build a comprehensive picture of the OTG program’s impact and success.

One component we would like to include in the report is testimonials from previous OTG volunteers that explain why they choose to volunteer with the OTG program and why they think the program is valuable or important. Comments and testimonials can be as short or as long as you would like, and should be sent via email to the email address provided below.

Some questions to consider when writing your testimonial include:

  1. Why did you volunteer with the OTG program?
  2. What value did you see in the habitat improvement event(s) you attended?
  3. What did you enjoy about the event(s) you attended?
  4. What do Michigan’s natural resources mean to you?
  5. Why do you think volunteer programs like OTG are important when it comes to the health of Michigan’s public lands and wildlife?

We appreciate each of the conservationists that have joined us in the field improving habitat for Michigan wildlife. With your testimonials, we hope to capture the unique and positive experience the OTG program provides for volunteers and the impact it has on wildlife habitat.

If you’ve participated in OTG and would like to comment on the program and what it means to you, please send your comments to MUCC Habitat Volunteer Coordinator Makhayla LaButte at mlabutte@mucc.org. Additionally, if you would like to learn more about the OTG program, please visit mucc.org/on-the-ground or facebook.com/muccotg.

1 Comment

  1. Joan Hall on August 4, 2020 at 4:06 pm

    I volunteered at the Wood Duck Nest Box OTG event at Shiawassee River State Game Area because I wanted to be part of a group such as MUCC that was working to improve habitat and learn something new. It was interesting to find out about the nesting habits of wood ducks and help put some new boxes up.

    I really enjoyed being out of doors in the winter, walking on a frozen marsh, and helping to pitch in for a good cause. The weather was particularly good – 22 degrees and sunny, with just a slight breeze. I enjoyed the people who brought dogs and children along. This was truly a family event.

    I have been a Michigander all my life and have enjoyed many outdoor activities including hunting, fishing, camping, canoeing, swimming and hiking. I consider myself lucky to live in a State with such a wealth of opportunities to be outside enjoying all of our natural resources.

    This was my first time volunteering for an OTG event and I was surprised that many of the people there were also first time volunteers. Everyone seemed to be excited to be part of the OTG program. I feel that groups like OTG are very important to help improve Michigan’s public lands and wildlife habitat. The volunteers leave with a feeling of pride in accomplishing something good for our State land and/or wildlife, and the area gets needed help that might not be possible otherwise. A win, win!

    I am glad that I participated in the Wood Duck Nest Box OTG event and look forward to volunteering in the future when an event is close enough to me and I am available that particular day. I wish MUCC and OTG much success in the future.

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