MUCC & MTPCA File Reply to NRC Briefs

Justin Tomei • December 5, 2024

On November 26, Michigan United Conservation Club (MUCC) and the Michigan Trappers and Predator Callers Association (MTPCA) filed their reply to briefs filed on behalf of the Natural Resources Commission (NRC). 

MUCC’s brief, which can be read HERE, addresses the arguments the NRC made in defense of their decision to close the coyote season from mid-April to mid-July. 

As expected, the commission attempted to re-rationalize the partial season closure. MUCC’s brief highlights the actual rationale as provided by commissioners at the time of the vote. 

The statements from the commissioners clearly show that sound scientific management was not a consideration in the decision-making process. 

MUCC Policy and Government Affairs Manager Justin Tomei said the approach in the commissions brief was not unexpected and shows they did not use science in their decision making. 

“The commission is required by statute to use the best available science,” said Tomei. “The rationale provided by the commission at the time of the vote made it clear, the decision was not based on biological management. The attempt to re-rationalize the partial season closure reemphasizes how their legal charge was not the driving factor behind their decision making.” 

MUCC is joined in the lawsuit by MTPCA who filed a separate brief, found HERE.   

MTPCA’s brief takes a similar position as MUCC’s, highlighting the actual reasons as provided by commissioners, that the coyote season was shortened.   

MTPCA President Joe Velchansky says this issue continues to be bigger than coyotes and is about the future of our scientific natural resource management. 

“This lawsuit and the combined work of MTPCA and MUCC has never just been about coyotes,” Velchansky said. “Scientific management is the bedrock of protecting our natural resources. Emotional pleas and decisions made due to social perceptions or political fear severely undermine that foundation.” 

This is the last set of filings in this lawsuit, now the judge can order oral arguments or rule on the briefs submitted.   

For more information on MUCC visit


For more information on MTPCA visit   


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