Ultimate Sportshow Grand Rapids March 7-10

lschultz • March 1, 2024

With hints of spring in the air, cabin fever can really have a hold on you. However, there is something to do on the west side of the state next weekend that will get you off the couch. The Ultimate Sports Show Grand Rapids is a four-day event held at Devos Place in Downtown Grand Rapids. Starting Thursday the 7th running through Sunday the 10th, the Ultimate Sports Show will be the place to be. Learn new fishing techniques, take in a hunting seminar, reunite with old friends, book a charter and renew your MUCC Membership.

Some of the attractions include:
Hawg Trough
Guest fishing experts will be on-hand all weekend to provide seminars and fishing demonstrations on this mobile 5,000-gallon fish tank! Audience participation by both seasoned anglers and freckle-faced kids keep the crowd entertained throughout the day.

Lake Ultimate
An indoor lake? You bet! With over 110,000 gallons of water, this lake provides the ultimate opportunity for seminar leaders like Mark Zona, Mark Martin, Lance Valentine and others to present from their fully rigged fishing boats while trolling, casting and actually catching fish. By trolling back and forth in front of the bleachers with their bow-mounted trolling motors, the tournament pros are able to give truly unique seminars. This is the most innovative seminar platform of any fishing show in the world.

Big Buck Night West
Thursday – 7 pm in the Ballroom (seating begins at 6:30 pm)
Presented by Michigan Out-of-Doors TV Show
Celebrity hosts Jimmy Gretzinger and Jenny Olson will interview the lucky Michigan hunters who have bagged some of the largest whitetail deer of the season. Special consideration is given to hunters who have amazing stories about their trophies. This one-night show will be filmed for airing on the upcoming television program and is a must-see for every Michigan deer hunter!

Woodland Woodcarvers
A highlight of the show every year is the beautiful and impressive display of the Woodland Woodcarvers. These artisans will display the results of their work, as well as demonstrate their considerable skills. Every year it gets better. Everything from the incredibly lifelike to the whimsically humorous. Woodcarvings of every kind will be on display, and carvers will be happy to discuss their work.

So come on out to the show and swing by the MUCC booth #970 and renew your Michigan Out-of-Doors Magazine Membership.

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