May 2024 NRC Recap
Former Commissioner Carol Rose was recognized for her service to the commission at the May Natural Resource Commission (NRC) meeting today.
Commissioner Rose served on the commission from 2020-2023, including serving as chair for a portion of her term.
Other highlights of the Director’s report featured a presentation from Brian Frawley on the 2023 Deer Harvest Report Summary, a presentation on Cormorant Control, and a presentation from Chad Stewart on the Deer Management Initiative.
The commission had one order up for action. Wildlife Conservation Order #4 of 2024 sets falconry regulations for the next regulatory cycle. The order passed unanimously.
The Director had no items up for action, and one for information. Land Use Order of the Director #3 of 2024 prohibits dispersed camping at Stoddard’s Landing due to non-compliance with the specific rules of that natural river area.
Before the committee of the whole, the fisheries committee saw a trio of presentations. The first from MUCC contract employee Bob Stuber of the Michigan Hydro Relicensing Coalition, the second on the Boardman Ottaway River Reborn, a presentation on the dam removal effort in Michigan, and closing thoughts from Fisheries Division Chief Randy Claramunt.
There were five land transactions up for director action. MUCC reviews all transactions exceeding 80 acres, of which there were two. Land Transaction Case #20230174 is an acquisition of 160 acres in Grand Traverse County. Land Transaction Case #20230226 is an acquisition of 197 acres in Lenawee County.
The next NRC meeting returns to Lansing on June 13 at Lansing Community College West Campus.
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Important info. Thank you.