OTG Field Season Begins This Month
MUCC’s award-winning On the Ground program is gearing up for its first event of the year — a Feb. 22 event at the Maple River State Game Area where volunteers will be helping with dike maintenance and fixing-up wood duck boxes. Check out the list of upcoming events below, and visit mucc.org/on-the-ground for more information and to register for a project that interests you (registration links also in the titles of listed events).
February 22 – Maple River SGA wood duck nest boxes and dike maintenance
Join MUCC, the DNR Wildlife Division and the Maple River Wildlife Association at the Maple River SGA to clear the dikes of woody brush and perform maintenance on wood duck nest boxes. Meet at 9 A.M. at the DNR barns located at 9858 Crapo Road, just south of Ranger Road in Ashley (Coordinates: 43°08’56.8″N 84°31’26.5″W). Volunteers are encouraged to dress in warm layers and bring proper winter gear. Free lunch and t-shirts provided by MUCC.
February 29 – Shiawassee River SGA wood duck nest box placement and check
Join MUCC, the DNR Wildlife Division, the Shiawassee Flats Citizens & Hunters Association and MI Birds at the Shiawassee River State Game Area. Volunteers will have the opportunity to place wood duck nest boxes and clean out old nest boxes to prepare the boxes for the upcoming nesting season. This is a fun, educational opportunity for the whole family! Volunteers are encouraged to dress in warm layers and bring proper winter gear. Free lunch and t-shirts provided by MUCC. Meet at 9 A.M. at the St. Charles DNR Field Office at 225 E Spruce St, St Charles, MI 48655.
March 7 – Creating small game habitat in Clare County
Join us in improving small game habitat in Clare County off of S. Rogers Avenue in Harrison, Michigan. This project site has been an important addition to DNR managed land, and OTG is looking forward to returning to the site to continue building brush piles that benefit small game like rabbit and ruffed grouse. Volunteers are encouraged to dress in warm layers and bring proper winter gear. Free lunch and t-shirts provided by MUCC. Meet at 9 A.M. at the parking lot just north of the field on S Rogers Avenue (1 mile south of M-61 in Harrison, MI: 43°58’34.4″N 84°42’23.2″W).