OTG Volunteers Needed: Clean-up at Pointe Mouillee State Game Area

Americorps • July 31, 2024

Get ready, because the next On the Ground event is coming up fast! MUCC’s On the Ground program will be partnering with the Michigan DNR and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers at Pointe Mouillee State Game Area in Wayne/Monroe County on Saturday, August 10, 2024, from 9 AM – 2 PM for a clean-up event. We haven’t had an On the Ground event at this location since 2015, so this will be a great opportunity to revisit an area and continue existing improvements to fish and wildlife habitat. For more details and to register,  click  HERE.

About the Project

The purpose of this project is to enhance the quality of fish and wildlife habitat by removing trash and other debris from the state game area. Volunteers will meet at the Pointe Mouillee State Game Area headquarters building ( 37998 Point Mouillee Rd, Brownstown Charter Twp, MI, 48173 ), and then disperse from there. Any necessary equipment will be provided including work gloves, trash grabbers, and trash bags. Snacks and water will also be provided  throughout the day. This event will take place rain or shine except in the case of severe weather so please plan and dress accordingly. All registered volunteers will receive  lunch and a free appreciation gift for their efforts!

Why is it Important?

Trash cleanups are important because litter can affect local populations of fish and wildlife in many ways. These species are not accustomed to trash in their environment, and they might mistake it for food, therefore ingesting it. The trash can block their stomachs or airways, leading them to choke or starve to death. Fish and wildlife can also become entangled in the debris which hinders their ability to move. This debris may also cut into their skin and cause an infection.

With managed waterfowl hunt areas like Pointe Mouillee State Game Area, cleaning up trash is even more important. Many different types of plastics can degrade and leach toxins into the water, causing many issues for both fish and wildlife. Species like fish, turtles, and birds can mistake glittery chip bags for food, or become entangled in fishing line, plastic six-pack holders, and plastic rings from pop and water bottles.

Learn More

On the Ground has several more events planned for September, and we are always looking for more volunteers! Visit mucc.org/on-the-ground for more information on upcoming projects. All ages are welcome, so bring your family or a friend to join us in restoring Michigan’s public lands for future generations to enjoy.

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