August 2023 NRC Recap
With no new orders for action in front of the Natural Resources Commission (NRC), work focused on a group of proposed warm water regulation changes and introducing new conservation partners.
Lisa Walker, the new executive director of Michigan Sportsmen Against Hunger, was in person and introduced herself to the commission prior to the meeting. She joined the organization in August and takes over for longtime executive director Dean Hall.
The meeting took place in Grand Rapids at Grand Valley State University’s Cook-Devos Center for Health Sciences.
Commissioners heard information regarding warm water fisheries regulations that could be up for action as early as next month. The bulk of the orders address administrative boundary changes. One changed pike size limits in the Iosco County Chain Lakes and another established a catch-and-immediate-release season for sturgeon on the Ontonagon River.
An in-depth breakdown of the orders can be found in our preview HERE.
There were no director orders for information or action at the August meeting.
MUCC reviews all land transactions exceeding 80 acres, and there are none this month.
The September meeting returns to Lansing on Thursday, September 14 at Lansing Community College West Campus.
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