Volunteers are the backbone of MUCC’s OTG program. Without people willing to give their time to statewide conservation initiatives the program wouldn’t exist. We cannot thank everyone enough for their dedication to wildlife, MUCC, and the OTG program. Fall is coming soon; the changing leaves are coupled with more OTG events. Keep reading to learn more about some exciting opportunities.
Calling all craftsmen, carpenters, and anyone who can use a drill. Join MUCC and the MDNR at the Gratiot-Saginaw SGA bridge repair event on September 17 th . Renovation of the bridge allows all outdoors enthusiasts and recreationists to easily and safely explore the state game area. Help maintain the bridge and access to this great wilderness area.
Winter can be a challenging time for wildlife. To help ease their burden join MUCC and Land Ethics, LLC to plant mast-producing trees at the Traverse City Forest Management Unit, Camp Grayling Parcel in Kalkaska County. The masting trees are a food source during fall and help wildlife through winter by acting as a shelter. Help give wildlife a leg up on survival by joining MUCC at this event.
A common concern in many natural areas is the encroachment of invasive species. The overgrown invasive species outcompete native vegetation and transform the area into something unrecognizable. This impacts everything depending on the ecosystem including native fauna. Join MUCC and the Perce City Creek Institute in removing woody invasive species in Hastings Michigan at the PCCI.
To show our appreciation all registered volunteers will receive lunch and a volunteer gift!
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P: 517.371.1041
Michigan United Conservation Clubs, a 501c3
nonprofit conservation organization
Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 38-0831862
2101 Wood St, Lansing MI 48912
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