2021 pheasant license on sale, stocking efforts a go
The first-of-its-kind pheasant license went on sale this week through the Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) online sales system.
Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC) has advocated for and championed the stamp since a member-passed resolution in 2017 directed the organization to initiate a pheasant release program funded by hunters.
The $25 stamp, signed into law by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Dec. 31, 2020, has a sunset of Jan. 1, 2026. Monies collected from pheasant license purchases will be placed into an earmarked subaccount used for the purchase of pheasants that will be released on state lands. Stamps are required in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula for hunters 18 and over planning to hunt on state-owned or Hunter Access Program lands for pheasant.
Creating new license buyers and hunters, reactivating former hunters and engaging different kinds of hunters has been the program’s aim since the beginning, said MUCC Executive Director Amy Trotter.
“Creating a funding mechanism for the stocking program involved passionate advocates from habitat, hunter, species-specific and conservation organizations,” Trotter said. “While we didn’t always agree, and occasionally still don’t, folks were able to come together the last six months from both sides of the argument and debate the issue in a pragmatic way.”
Currently, the pheasant licenses are only available online through the DNR e-license system. However, House Bill (HB) 4126, which has passed the House and Senate and is on its way to the governor’s desk, will address vendor commission issues that currently exist.
Once Gov. Whitmer signs the bill, in-person pheasant license sales are expected to start no later than May.
Given budget cycles and bird-rearing timeframes, securing appropriations and actual funding of bird buying is a complicated process. MUCC is working with all the parties involved to create a durable pheasant-release strategy moving forward, Trotter said.
“MUCC has held regular meetings with Pheasants Forever, the Michigan Pheasant Hunting Initiative, the Michigan Hunting Dog Federation, legislators and aides, and DNR staff,” Trotter said. “Stakeholders are weighing in heavily on the 2021 pheasant-release strategy and how their respective organizations will play a part in the program.”
In 2019, following a lame-duck general fund appropriation, the first pilot pheasant release program occurred on 13 state game areas throughout the Lower Peninsula. According to a survey conducted by the DNR, 50 percent of the hunters that participated in the program indicated they would not have hunted pheasants in 2019 without the release program.
In 2020, the program was canceled due to COVID-19 budget adjustments. However, MUCC and stakeholders continued to work through the legislative process securing a long-term funding source for the program.
MUCC is a grassroots organization that derives its policy positions from member-written and member-passed resolutions. Resolutions changing law require a two-thirds majority, as was garnered in the case of the pheasant release program and stamp implementation. Any MUCC member can bring forward a resolution to the organization’s Conservation Policy Board (CPB).
If the resolution passes through the CPB, it is then sent on to the organization’s annual convention where statewide representation of MUCC’s membership determines the outcome.
Since 1937, MUCC has united citizens to conserve, protect and enhance Michigan’s natural resources and outdoor heritage. MUCC has also been the constant protector of your rights to hunt, fish and trap since its founding. Please join us today: http://bit.ly/JoinMUCC.
This is a great start! I would love to hunt MI birds and not have to drive West every year. Keep the dollars in Michigan! I am an avid pheasant hunter and would be glad to help in any way I can to bring this back to Michigan.
Thanks MUCC. I am a proud member for many years. I would like to see more habitat for pheasents in the central and western parts of the state.
All you Pheasant hunters better shoot your bags as soon as you can. Because the Wil-L E -Y Coyote will eat all the leftover birds! You will never successfully have a Breeding Population in Michigan until the Coyotes are all but eliminated! They hunt in any area and will kill all game that exists there. I have enjoyed Pheasant hunting many years ago. They couldn’t hold their population then because of the deep snow and cold wet springs. And of course other various reasons. Now we don’t have the brutal winters. Just Coyotes and no way to keep them in check. Just the hunters have made a effort to lower their populations. But still haven’t made a dent in them. DNR needs to put a Bounty back on them. So hunters and trappers can maybe make a profit from them. Interesting also is the fact that the Grey Wolves in the UP. haven’t been able to keep Coyotes in check! Man and Wolves are the Coyotes’ only predators. Use to be if there were Wolves the Coyotes were not heard from or seen.But not now! Coyotes live in a your town and all the towns near you! When Wolves howl so does that pack of Coyotes.The deer population in the UP can’t survive from Two top canine predators as they are Ripe for the picking! And they aren’t going away any to soon!
True statement also jumping birds opening day at daybreak doesn’t help either.