On the Ground: Hunting Improved Habitat Areas

One of many benefits of volunteering to improve wildlife habitat with MUCC’s On the Ground program is making connections with new areas to hunt along with new people to hunt them with! Volunteers spend a few hours on a weekend building brush piles, planting trees, clearing timber from a wildlife opening or any other work…

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Wild Game Wednesday: Tuscan Venison Meatballs

Did you know the benefits of eating venison far outweigh the benefits of eating beef? Venison is organic and natural, and free of hormones, chemicals and antibiotics so commonly found in beef. On average venison is higher in protein, has less saturated fat, and fewer calories than beef. It’s even considered a complete protein because…

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In the Field: Cooperative Meeting in the Northeast

by Anna Mitterling, Wildlife Cooperative Coordinator, MUCC On Saturday, I had the privilege of attending and speaking at the Anchor Creek Rendezvous. Galen, a Dairy Farmer in the Cooperative talked about the importance of cooperative, from an agriculture perspective and not a hunter. Managing deer and cows do run parallel together, we just have different…

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Upcoming January NRC Meeting Preview

This Thursday, the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) will be meeting at the MSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory beginning at 9 a.m. for their monthly meeting. The day will begin with a meeting of the Michigan State Parks Advisory Committee. There will be discussions on Parks and Recreation AmeriCorps summer youth employment, followed by an update on…

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On the Ground: Winter 2018 Events

Happy New Year to all! For MUCC’s On the Ground program, the start of 2018 is shaping up to be very busy. For you, this means that there will be several opportunities to volunteer for wildlife and improve habitat on public land. Read more to see what events are being planned for January, February, and…

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Wild Game Wednesday: Great Lakes Chowder

Angling is one of Michigan’s most common outdoor pastimes. Over 1.5 million residents and non-residents buy fishing licenses every year and these dollars go back into keeping the resource healthy and sustainable. Fishing license dollars provide habitat restoration and protection, scientific research and monitoring, and fish stocking in areas that need it. If you’re thinking…

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In the Field: In with the New

by Anna Mitterling, Wildlife Cooperative Coordinator, MUCC Now that hunting seasons have wrapped up (click here to read about special January hunts), I welcome you to the first day of the 2018 season: preparation. Hopefully, you took note of your habitat conditions when you were out hunting or running your dog. If not, get back…

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On the Ground: Habitat Highlight- Ruffed Grouse

Volunteers with MUCC’s On the Ground program have improved thousands of acres of wildlife habitat in State Game Areas and State Forests throughout all regions of Michigan. While many of these wildlife habitat improvement projects focus on whitetail deer, turkey, or cottontail rabbits, a large majority of them also benefit ruffed grouse. Some OTG projects…

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Wild Game Wednesday: Bourbon Venison Kabobs

Gourmet Gone Wild Venison Kabobs

Wild Game Wednesday: Bourbon Venison Kabobs Grown without chemicals and loaded with nutrition, venison ranks as one of the 11th healthiest foods in America. It’s free of hormones, antibiotics and even the antibiotic-resistant bacteria so common in factory-farmed animals. Venison also has fewer calories, less saturated and total fat, and even lower levels of cholesterol.…

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Natural Resources Commission December Recap

Last week on December 14, 2017, the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) took action on two major land use and wildlife orders that have been discussed for months and will go into effect in early 2018. Among the most controversial to some in the audience was the Wildlife Conservation Order Amendment No. 7 of 2017 to…

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