On the Ground: Spring Volunteer Opportunities

Are you looking for a way to give back and help improve wildlife habitat this spring? Look no further! On the Ground has many volunteer opportunities available throughout April and into May. Now is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine and warmer weather while improving public lands here in Michigan. We…

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Garlic Mustard: The Edible Invasive

Have you ever heard of an invasive species that you can eat? Now you have! Garlic mustard, also called poor man’s mustard, hedge garlic, and garlic root, is an invasive species of plant found across the northern United States. It hails from Europe and Asia and was introduced to the United States in the 1800s…

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On the Ground: Long-Term Partnerships

MUCC’s On the Ground program has been going strong since its inception in 2013. Funded by an MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division, On the Ground has been able to complete a variety of habitat improvement projects statewide. The program celebrated 10 years in 2023 with a total…

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Vernal Pools: Learn More About These Important Wetlands

There’s an old saying here in Michigan, “You’re never more than a few minutes away from a body of water”. Whether it’s a stream, pond, inland lake, or one of the Great Lakes, the state of Michigan is home to a large amount of water. According to the Great Lakes Commission, the Great Lakes hold…

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Invasive Species in Michigan: Narrowing Down the Science

Michigan is home to many different types of ecosystems that support a wide variety of plant and animal species. From the hardwood swamps found in southern Michigan to the cliffs and granite bedrock found in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan’s diversity is what makes it such a beautiful place to live. However, the native species found…

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USDA Emergency Forest Restoration Assistance for Private Landowners

forest restoration, tree planting

Were you or someone you know impacted by tornado damage to private forestland in Livingston or Ingham County? The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides programs that provide financial assistance to private landowners to help restore forests. The Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP) was recently implemented by the Farm Service Agency (FSA) in Ingham…

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Wetland Community Types in Michigan

Fen ecosystem at Shingleton State Forest

According to the Michigan Natural Features Inventory, a wetland is defined as an ecosystem that is saturated with water for varying periods and characterized by water-loving vegetation and soils. A few other important factors that distinguish wetlands from other ecosystems are soil chemistry, hydrology, species composition, and geographic distribution. Wetlands are important because they provide…

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On the Ground: Volunteers Build “Rabbitat” at Bellevue Conservation Club

On Saturday, February 3, 2024, MUCC’s On the Ground Program hosted a brush pile-building event in partnership with the Bellevue Conservation Club. Brush piles are called “rabbitat” because they provide habitat for rabbits and many other species, including chipmunks, squirrels, mice, snakes, and ground-nesting birds. Brush piles are also used as hunting grounds for hawks,…

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