Wild About Waterfowl

On Tuesday, Tyler and I had a chance to get out of the office and get into a classroom.  We ditched our work desks for some classroom tables. We headed to Fairview Elementary School in Lansing to conduct a presentation for about 65 students.  The students were two classes of second graders and one class…

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A New Connection

One of the key components of the OTG Jr. Program is creating a connection between the student participants and public land.  The whole concept behind this program is to show students and their parents/teachers that there is accessible outdoor recreation not too far from where they live.  We are trying to show them they do…

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A “Non-typical” Day at Camp

Introducing people to the outdoors is one of my favorite parts of the work I do.  During the last week of September, Camp Director Tyler Butler and I had a chance to work with some non-traditional students from the Lansing area.   We held an outdoor education day for a group of students from the Lansing…

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