In the Field: 2017 in Review
by Anna Mitterling, Wildlife Cooperative Coordinator, MUCC
In 2017, the Michigan Wildlife Cooperative program facilitated the following events around the state:
- Habitat Workshop Series, promoting mid-contract management options for properties in the Conservation Reserve Program, in partnership with local Conservation Districts
- Pilot run of the Deer Browse Survey, in partnership with DNR and Anchor Creek Deer Cooperative
- Private Landowner Burn Workshop, in partnership with the Michigan Prescribed Fire Council
- Pheasant Rendezvous, encouraging leaders of pheasant cooperatives and chapter leaders of Pheasants Forever
- Deer Rendezvous, encouraging leaders of deer cooperatives and branch leaders of Quality Deer Management Association
- Joint Partner Habitat Day @ the Maple River SGA, in partnership with MUCC, DNR, NWTF, QDMA, PF, DU, USFWS and local Conservation Districts
- Meetings with cooperative leaders and cooperatives about CWD, in partnership with DNR
The Michigan Wildlife Cooperative program has:
- Over 312,000 acres under wildlife cooperative management
- 91 deer cooperatives and 12 pheasant cooperatives registered
- Presented on cooperatives to over 1,000 unique individuals in 2017
- Participated in over 20 cooperative meetings in 2017
What has the Michigan Wildlife Cooperative program done for you and your hunting? Comment below, or send your feedback to Comments may be included in my annual report to the partners of this program: Pheasants Forever, Quality Deer Management Association, MUCC, and DNR.
Thank you to all of you who support this amazing program! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!