The Great Lakes provide the foundation of our identity as a region. Supported by all eight Great Lakes states and signed into law in 2008, the Compact was created to protect the Great Lakes from large-scale diversions of water. The city of Waukesha, Wis., — located in the Mississippi River Basin — has proposed a plan to divert water from Lake Michigan for its own use. This application will serve as a precedent for all other future diversion requests.

Learn more about this application and how to take action during a Telephone Townhall event on Monday, February 29th at 7 PM (EST). Put this extra day of the year to good use protecting the Great Lakes!


What does Waukesha’s diversion application mean for you?

The city of Waukesha’s diversion, as currently written, does not meet the exception standards of the Compact. It is vital that as a Great Lakes region we get this decision right and that ALL Great Lakes residents’ voices are heard loud and clear: protect our Great Lakes by denying Waukesha’s application to divert Great Lakes water.

Waukesha Water Diversion Regional Telephone Town Hall
Monday, February 29, 2016
6 pm CST/7 pm EST
Ask Questions. Get Answers. Be Heard.
Panel of Experts: 
Marc Smith, Policy Director, National Wildlife Federation
Molly Flanagan, Vice President, Policy, Alliance for the Great Lakes
Jennifer Bolger Breceda, Executive Director, Milwaukee Riverkeeper
James Drought, Principal Hydrogeologist and Vice President, GZA Geoenvironmental, Inc.
With a special message from Andy Buchsbaum, Vice President of Conservation Action with the National Wildlife Federation.
How Does it Work?
Join the Call
Opt in to join the call by phone or listen to a live stream of the call online. By opting in, all you have to do is answer your phone and stay on the line Monday evening at 6 pm CST/7 pm EST.
**Opt-in here!
Ask Questions, Get Answers 
Got questions? Our panel of experts has answers. Join the call by phone to ask yours.
Take Action! 
We’ll provide you with opportunities to take direct action while on the phone and give you all of the information you need to make your voice heard if listening to the live stream.

bit.ly/GLtownhall to OPT IN by selecting SUBSCRIBE or to listen online on Monday, Feb. 29!

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