Michigan United Conservation Clubs is the largest statewide conservation organization in the nation. Founded in 1937, our mission is to unite citizens to conserve, protect and enhance Michigan's natural resources and outdoor heritage. This mission drives everything we do as an organization.

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Your membership also makes you an active participant in Michigan's conservation community. As a member of MUCC, you can propose conservation policy resolutions that form the backbone of our efforts in Lansing. By joining MUCC, you can set the direction for hunting, fishing, trapping and conservation policy for Michigan.

Help us continue to defend your rights to hunt, fish and trap in Michigan today. Your generous contribution allows us to put on our yearly summer camp for kids, restore habitat across the state, and fight anti-hunting legislation in Lansing.


Calling all future conservation leaders!

September 26, 2019 |

My service term is almost up with Huron Pines AmeriCorps (HPA) and its time to start recruiting for another member to experience what this program can offer them. If you want to be involved in the conservation career field but don’t know where to start, try looking into this opportunity. Here are a few highlights…

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OTG: Looking Back and Moving Forward

September 25, 2019 |

Now that the summer field season for OTG has concluded, it is time to look back and reflect on the completed 2019 season and begin developing goals and projects for the upcoming 2020 season. However, as I was entering the data into the program, it became clear that our OTG program had a much bigger…

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In the Field: Catching up with MWC

September 24, 2019 |

The last couple of weeks have been filled with events and outreach for the Michigan Wildlife Cooperatives Program (MWC). I have covered the state with different partners and had the privilege to talk with hundreds of kids and adults. These busy weeks have proven to me (again) how diverse my role is and how much…

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