Michigan United Conservation Clubs is the largest statewide conservation organization in the nation. Founded in 1937, our mission is to unite citizens to conserve, protect and enhance Michigan's natural resources and outdoor heritage. This mission drives everything we do as an organization.

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Your membership also makes you an active participant in Michigan's conservation community. As a member of MUCC, you can propose conservation policy resolutions that form the backbone of our efforts in Lansing. By joining MUCC, you can set the direction for hunting, fishing, trapping and conservation policy for Michigan.

Help us continue to defend your rights to hunt, fish and trap in Michigan today. Your generous contribution allows us to put on our yearly summer camp for kids, restore habitat across the state, and fight anti-hunting legislation in Lansing.


OTG: Updated Equipment and Upcoming Events

August 15, 2018 |

The busy season for the OTG program is approaching quickly, and with that comes increased demand on the equipment that is used throughout the projects. The chainsaws used by volunteers were in particularly rough shape, and in definite need of replacing. After thorough research on brands, models and function, it was decided that the Stihl…

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Wild Game Wednesday: Baked Grouse and Grapes Recipe

August 15, 2018 |

The end of summer is only a little over a month away, and the days are beginning to get shorter.  These environmental changes bring a new excitement for many Michigan hunters, as the promise of some of the most popular hunting seasons is drawing tantalizingly closer. Included in these seasons is small game, which appeals…

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In the Field: Deer Rendezvous 2018

August 14, 2018 |

The Michigan Wildlife Cooperatives Program held it’s annual Deer Rendezvous event August 3-4. The Deer Rendezvous is put on as a free event to cooperative and QDMA branch leaders as an opportunity to reflect on the past year, discuss successes and challenges, grow as a community and set goals for the next season. The Crockery…

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