Michigan United Conservation Clubs is the largest statewide conservation organization in the nation. Founded in 1937, our mission is to unite citizens to conserve, protect and enhance Michigan's natural resources and outdoor heritage. This mission drives everything we do as an organization.

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Your membership also makes you an active participant in Michigan's conservation community. As a member of MUCC, you can propose conservation policy resolutions that form the backbone of our efforts in Lansing. By joining MUCC, you can set the direction for hunting, fishing, trapping and conservation policy for Michigan.

Help us continue to defend your rights to hunt, fish and trap in Michigan today. Your generous contribution allows us to put on our yearly summer camp for kids, restore habitat across the state, and fight anti-hunting legislation in Lansing.


Photo by Anna Mitterling

Summary of Proposed CWD Regulations

June 8, 2018 |

MUCC is providing this as a summary of the recently released Michigan DNR recommendation to the Natural Resources Commission on CWD management for white-tailed deer. The full document can be found here: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/12WCO2018_CWD_Regs_INFO_624924_7.pdf In a few days-time, we will have completed our reaction to the proposal, but in short we think that the individual components…

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Call Senators to Support Commercial Fishing Legislation

June 5, 2018 |

Michigan United Conservation Clubs needs your help to ensure that game fish are not allowed for commercial harvest and that more stringent regulations are placed on commercial anglers. Senate Bill 0925 was introduced by Senator Michael Green (R-Mayville) on April 10 and was referred to the Senate Committee on Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. The hearing…

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On the Ground Jr: Murphy Elementary at Rose Lake SGA

May 31, 2018 |

On Wednesday, May 30th and Thursday, May 31st, 100 students from Murphy Elementary in the Haslett public schools built brush piles and pulled garlic mustard in the Rose Lake State Game Area to improve wildlife habitat. The students then enjoyed an afternoon of activities including mammal pelt ID, duck decoy ID and archery at the Rose…

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