Vote for Conservation

Vote for Conservation

On November 5, millions of Americans will choose the direction of the country, and their states for the next handful of years.  

As one looks around the country, and even here in Michigan, and sees attacks on conservation, science-based management, and our outdoor heritage, it is important that hunters, trappers, and anglers engage and elect conservation minded candidates. 

MUCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and not legally allowed to engage in political campaigns or endorse candidates. The organization can, however, encourage members to ask challenging questions, be engaged in the election process, and provide information on how to vote. 

Attend a townhall, email your candidates, educate yourself on the issues.

To find your voter registration status, where to vote, how to vote early, how to vote absentee, and what is on your ballot visit the Michigan Voter Information Center 

Early voting has already begun in some parts of the state, with the rest of the state opening for early in-person voting on October 26th.  

Find candidates that represent your conservation values and be active and involved.  

Michigan’s outdoor heritage depends on it.   



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