Your state representative may be voting on this bill TODAY – call now ask him or her to vote YES on SB 1187!
Just over two years ago, you signed your name and collected signatures for the Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. A few weeks ago, a Michigan Court of Appeals panel overturned the legislatively-approved citizens’ initiative on a technicality, ruling that free licenses for military members were not closely related to scientific wildlife management, even though hunting and fishing licenses are what pay for that very management. However, a bill already approved by the Michigan Senate and poised for a vote by the Michigan House of Representatives would restore the remaining provisions of the Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act that the Court did rule were closely related, including:
Natural Resources Commission authority to issue fisheries orders and designate game species using sound science;
$1 million appropriation to protect fisheries from aquatic invasive species like Asian carp; and
Designation of wolves as a game species
We need you to call your state representative today to urge him or her to vote “YES” on SB 1187, because right now the Humane Society of the United States is calling them too, and trying to mislead them about this important legislation. What HSUS is not telling them is that:
This bill is necessary to restore the authority of the Natural Resources Commission to make fisheries decisions;
The appropriation is necessary to authorize funds already spent on Asian carp response measures;
The “wolf hunt vote” HSUS keeps referencing was moot because the legislature had already passed the Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act months before; and
Listing wolves as a game species does not mean they will be hunted; they could only be hunted if they’re removed from the Endangered Species Act and only if professional biologists recommend a hunt; and
Wolves are not biologically endangered, since their Michigan population is more than triple their recovery goal and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recommends their removal from the endangered species list.
The DNR does not believe that nonlethal strategies are sufficient to manage the wolf population in certain areas of the Upper Peninsula.
Don’t let HSUS mislead your state representatives; Please call today and ask for a “YES” vote on SB 1187!