So long and farewell from On the Water

When I started developing the On the Water program, I was living my dream. I created a volunteer watershed habitat improvement program that was designed to have a positive impact on freshwater and habitats throughout the state and to connect and engage Michigan residents to their natural resources by highlighting and educating the importance of…

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2021 Deer Regulations Postponed at December NRC Meeting

The Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC) met Thursday to hear public testimony on new rules for the 2021 deer hunting season, including revisions to antlerless deer licenses, crossbow use and antler point restrictions (APRs).  While deer regulations are normally brought before the NRC on a three-year cycle, they have recently been brought up annually to…

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Project Preproposals Being Accepted for $1.85 Million in Fisheries Habitat Grants

According to a Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) press release on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020, an expected $1.85 million is available in grant funding for fisheries habitat projects. Three themes dominate the grant funding this year and include aquatic habitat conservation, aquatic habitat and recreation in the Au Sable, Manistee, and Muskegon river watersheds,…

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Thank you from On the Water

The OTW program hosted volunteer events that brought together many kinds of outdoor enthusiasts. From consumptive users like waterfowl hunters and anglers to non-consumptive users like birders and photographers the OTW program helped them unite in the effort to improve and protect aquatic habitat.  Continuing with the theme of bringing people together the OTW program…

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Deer Regulations up for Action at December NRC Meeting

The Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC) will meet Thursday to take up a slate of new rules for the 2021 deer hunting season, including revisions to antlerless deer licenses, crossbow use and antler point restrictions (APRs).  Deer regulations are normally brought before the NRC on a three-year cycle, however, they have come up annually for…

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Survey Your Hemlock Trees for Invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid This Winter

After recent news of the northward spread of invasive hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) to Ludington State Park, it is more important than ever before that hemlock trees on public and private property are checked for the invasive insect. According to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural…

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On the Ground: Thank You, Wildlife Volunteers

Although 2020 has had its fair share of hardships, there is still much to be celebrated and grateful for. This is especially true for the On the Ground (OTG) program, which faced an uncertain fiscal future and limited habitat improvement hours due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we are now ending the year on a…

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Prevent Oak Wilt by Pruning Oak Trees in the Winter

Oak wilt is a fungal disease that is carried to oak trees by small beetles that feed on the sap produced from fresh wounds to the tree (i.e. pruning, storm damage). The spores of the fungus then move through the vascular system of the infected tree, which is responsible for transporting water throughout the tree.…

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Deer Regulations Appear at November NRC, Wolves Discussed

July 2024 NRC Preview

The Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC) met Thursday to review proposed rules for the 2021 deer hunting season.  These include a removal of the Upper Peninsula’s (U.P.) “Hunter’s Choice” option, the creation of a universal antlerless license and legalizing crossbows during the late U.P. archery season. However, most of the public comment period centered around…

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DNR Seeking Public Comment During Annual Review of State Forest Roads

Michigan boasts thousands of miles of state forest roads that are open for public use. Each year, these forest roads are inventoried by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Forest Resources Division (FRD) and reviewed to ensure accuracy and proper management. Interested members of the public are encouraged to share their comments with the…

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