The Michigan Bald Eagle Observation Survey

Many people who spend time in Michigan’s outdoors come across a bald eagle nest or see an eagle fly over. Some might even go back to that location regularly to check on the success of the eagle nest. Bald eagles are an important bird species and are a symbol of our nation. The recovery of…

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USDA Emergency Forest Restoration Assistance for Private Landowners

forest restoration, tree planting

Were you or someone you know impacted by tornado damage to private forestland in Livingston or Ingham County? The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides programs that provide financial assistance to private landowners to help restore forests. The Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP) was recently implemented by the Farm Service Agency (FSA) in Ingham…

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Kick Off the New Year By Helping Wildlife

What’s a better way to start the new year than helping improve wildlife habitat on public lands near you? Join MUCC’s On the Ground (OTG) program in partnership with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) on January 13th and January 27th to help remove invasive vegetation to make room for native plants to grow.…

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