In the Field: How Deer Cooperatives Get Started

by Anna Mitterling, Wildlife Cooperative Coordinator, MUCC It all started because one guy had a QDMA sign on his property. Two guys each bought some property to build a home, raise a family, and hunt. Each acting independently of the other, yet just across the street. They had both been in communication with me about…

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In the Field: The Fight Against CWD

by Anna Mitterling, Wildlife Cooperative Coordinator, MUCC On Tuesday evening, January 12, the DNR had a town hall meeting about the most recent CWD cases in the Dewitt and Watertown townships. Steve Schmitt (heads up the disease lab), and Chad Stewart (deer specialist) presented on CWD and where the Wildlife Division is to-date. DNR has…

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In the Field: Michigan Wildlife Cooperatives 2015 in Review

by Anna Mitterling, Wildlife Cooperative Coordinator, MUCC To say that the past 12 months went by quickly, would be an extreme understatement. The past year, my first year in this new role, has been one of the most rewarding, exhausting, and overall wonderful years. On top of the excitement of this new role, my husband…

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In the Field: Calling 'Yotes

by Anna Mitterling, Wildlife Cooperative Coordinator On Saturday, I went to Cabela’s for a Coyote Hunting Seminar by Todd Sullivan, owner of Dogbreath Coyote Calls. Todd did a great job, and I feel more equipped as a hunter to better think through, plan and have a higher chance at successfully hunting coyotes using the information…

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In the Field: Deer Check in DMU 333

by Anna Mitterling, Wildlife Cooperative Coordinator Big doe down in CWD zone! My husband successfully harvested his first deer in our very own backyard. Talk about local meat. We found her about 200 feet away from the tree stand. James’ target practice this summer paid off, and his arrow had good placement. We gutted her,…

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In the Field: Tracking Mast Production

by Anna Mitterling, Wildlife Cooperative Coordinator What is MiMast? MiMast is an application that allows you to track mast production on your property. Examples of mast include acorns, berries, and other fruits or nuts that trees and shrubs produce. Why Use it? Mast crops have a direct impact on wildlife productivity and survival, and being able to track…

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In the Field: A New Hunter's Experience

by Anna Mitterling, Wildlife Cooperative Coordinator What a beautiful weekend for the youth weekend! Crisp cool air, calm, practically perfect in every way. Congratulations to all the successful young hunters!! There is something special about seeing the looks of accomplished youth who got their first deer. A first hunt with a successful kill becomes one…

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In the Field: Why We do What We do

 by Anna Mitterling, Wildlife Cooperative Coordinator If you have ever had little kids, they ask ‘why’ all the time. Even as adults, we ask ‘why’ pretty frequently. We have a need to understand the motivations behind why we are being asked to do a particular task, join a group, or spend some money. One of…

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In the Field: Starting a Cooperative

by Anna Mitterling, Wildlife Cooperative Coordinator Over the weekend, I had the honor and privilege to attend the first official Bacon Creek Quality Deer Cooperative meeting. Chad Stewart, DNR Deer Specialist, and Steve Chadwick, DNR Regional Supervisor, were in attendance as well, and the three of us discussed some of the accomplishments of this group.…

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In the Field: Trail Cameras

by Anna Mitterling, Wildlife Cooperative Coordinator Trail cameras can be great fun, bringing additional anticipation for the coming seasons. While most guys are looking for deer with antlers this time of year, it can be fun to see what else is wandering around your property. Trail cameras can be used to run a deer survey…

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