For the third year in a row, MUCC’s On the Ground (OTG) program will be teaming up with Roger Hinchcliff of Steelhead Manifesto and the Metro-West Steelheaders to clean up sections of the Manistee River. Also, for the fourth consecutive year, OTG will be teaming up with the Metro-West Steelheaders and the Clinton River Watershed Council to clean up sections of the Clinton River. The Manistee and Clinton Rivers are two of Michigan’s most popular steelhead angling rivers. Collectively, volunteers have removed over 2,000lbs of trash from the two rivers through these events over the past three years. Read further to see the event details and how you can get involved this year!


07-09-2016_(1).JPGMANISTEE RIVER CLEAN-UP 2017

On Saturday, July 8th at 9am, we will be meeting at the High Bridge access lot on the Manistee River for the 3rd Annual Manistee River clean-up day. This project is partnered with Roger Hinchcliff of Steelhead Manifesto along with members of the Metro-West Steelheaders and local volunteers. In previous years, we have removed over 400lbs of trash and debris each year at this event.

Lunch, water, work gloves, and trash bags will be provided by MUCC for all volunteers. There will also be free raffle items provided by local guide shops and sponsors! This is a popular river for anglers to catch steelhead, brown trout, and coho salmon. Please RSVP here to join us for a day to help keep it clean!

  • WHEN: July 08, 2017 at 9am – 2pm




July_18_2015_(15).jpgCLINTON RIVER CLEAN-UP 2017

On Saturday, July 15th, 2017 at 9am we will be meeting at Yates Park to clean up a popular section of the Clinton River. Teaming up with the Metro-West Steelheaders and the Clinton River Watershed Council (CRWC), we have removed ~1,000lbs of trash and debris from this location in the past three years. Removing this trash and debris opens up fish passage barriers to their spawning sites and helps to restore the river to its natural and healthy environment.

Trash bags, gloves, trash grabbers, extra waders, as well as lunch and water will be provided for all volunteers! Please RSVP to volunteer here and join us on the Clinton River!

  •  WHEN: July 15, 2017 at 9am – 1pm


MUCC’s On The Ground Program is supported by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division

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