Hiring Season
Now that 2018 has arrived, that means the Michigan Out-of-Doors Camp season is only six months away. Six months may seem like a long time but the preparations for the new season are a year-round obligation. Here at MUCC, our work schedules revolve around seasons. There are turkey seasons, deer seasons, and duck seasons. For the education team, the time between mid-January and the end of March is recruiting season.
During recruiting season, Tyler and I will scour the state looking for the best candidates to fill the staff down at Cedar Lake. Each year we hire roughly 25 people to help run the camp. All of these positions are paid salary positions that include housing and meals.
To find our recruits we will visit numerous colleges and universities throughout Michigan. Candidates who have knowledge of conservation, outdoor skills, and environmental education as well as demonstrate a mature and responsible attitude are who we are looking for. Background checks are completed for all staff hired and participation in a weeklong training session is a requirement for employment. All staff must also to be willing to become First Aid and CPR certified before the beginning of the camp season.
Each of our camp staff learns the importance of teaching techniques, camper motivation, behavior management, leadership and emergency procedures plus the many different curricula they will be instructing as part of their training. We are extremely proud of the staff we have hired over the years at Cedar Lake Outdoor Center.
If you are interested in working at the Michigan OutofDoors Youth Camp during the summer of 2018, now is the time to start applying. If you have questions or would like to see what jobs we currently have available, you can visit the camp website at www.mucccamp.org. You can also contact Camp Director Tyler Butler, via phone (517-346-6462), email (tbutler@mucc.org) or post…
ATTN: MOOD Camp Director
2101 Wood Street
Lansing, MI 48912