July NRC Preview
This Thursday, July 12th, the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) will meet at the same location as it did in June. The location is at Lansing Community College Downtown Campus, Health & Human Services Dept., 515 North Washington Square, Lansing, MI 48933. If you are unable to attend please join us on Facebook for the MUCC livestream starting at 10:30am.
The day will start at 9:00 a.m. with the NRC Marketing, Partnership, Youth and Outreach Advisory Committee. Topics on their agenda include the Parks Centennial Promotion Plan, “These Goods are Good for Michigan” Promotion, DNR/CVB 2018 partnership campaign, Drones and the DNR and “Wardens” TV program. At 10:30 a.m. the NRC Policy Committee on Wildlife and Fisheries will be starting with a Fisheries Division update and a Wildlife Division update.
The Wildlife Division update entails an order to restrict motorized vehicles on specific trails in Grouse Enhanced Management Sites, a Pierce Road Unit special hunt opportunities at Sharonville State Game Area and a deer harvest survey report for the 2017 seasons. Following a break for lunch the NRC Committee of the Whole will meet at 1:00 pm with a Director’s report and reports from the committee’s that meet in the morning.
Items up for information include Chronic Wasting Disease Regulations, an expansion of hunting at Marl Lake Property at South Higgins Lake State Park during the established open seasons and the Pierce Road Unit special hunt opportunities aforementioned.
The NRC will be taking action on antlerless deer license quotas which, if enacted as proposed, will increase licenses for both private and public land in the Northern Lower Peninsula and a decrease in licenses for private land and increase in licenses for public land in the Southwest Lower Peninsula. There is no change for the Southeast Lower Peninsula and the Upper Peninsula. In the CWD management zones there will be unlimited private land antlerless licenses. This document shows the order as well as the strike-through changes from the previous 2017 season: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/11WCO2018_Antlerless_Quotas_INFO_624923_7.pdf
Join our live stream of the meeting on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mucc1937/
The full agenda for the July 12th, 2018 NRC meeting can be found here: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/July_Agenda_626635_7.pdf
What is their reasoning on less antlerless quotas in the Northern lower on private lane ? Makes no sense at all.