Hunter Education Course Recap

On Sunday, February 25th, MUCC partnered with the Michigan Learn to Hunt Program to host a hunter safety course at the Rose Lake Shooting range.  If you were born after January 1, 1960, in Michigan, hunter safety is required to purchase a hunting license.  A hunter education course is often required if you are planning…

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We Have Jobs!

Tyler and I have not been in the office much lately.  We have been driving all over the state visiting universities.  We have attended six job fairs in the last 10 days.  We are visiting these job fairs to recruit the 2018 staff for the Michigan Out-of-Doors Youth camp.   Each year we hire roughly 20 people…

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Camp Registration Opens on the 15th!

It’s mid-February and Mid-Michigan is about to be buried by 6-10” of snow.  For some people like myself, that is good news.  However, many other people cannot wait until summer is here and it is time to start complaining about how hot it is. For those of you who are dreaming about summer, we have…

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The Riley Foundation Does it Again

As February begins, it is most definitely time to start thinking about getting your son or daughter registered to attend the Michigan OutofDoors Youth Camp for Kids! Registration opens on February 15th!  If your son or daughter is new to getting outdoors or has little experience in hunting and conservation, we have the perfect opportunity…

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Education Corner: Winter Fun For Kids

Since we live in Michigan and winter wonderland is one of our state mottos, I decided to highlight some ideas on how to keep getting your kids outside. Here are a few tips from one of MUCC’s partner organizations the National Wildlife Federation on how to have some fun when you cannot get out hunting…

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Hiring Season

Now that 2018 has arrived, that means the Michigan Out-of-Doors Camp season is only six months away. Six months may seem like a long time but the preparations for the new season are a year-round obligation.  Here at MUCC, our work schedules revolve around seasons.  There are turkey seasons, deer seasons, and duck seasons.  For…

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Ultimate Fishing Show- Detroit

With the freezing cold temperatures, it can be easy to want to huddle inside and wish for warm summer days again.  However, if you are one of the brave souls who enjoy fishing on the hard water, or chasing steelhead on a semi-frozen river, there is a weekend event coming up you may be interested…

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Education Corner: 2017 Recap

With the last blog of 2017, its time to look back and reflect on some of the progress we have made in the Education Department here at MUCC.  This was the first year in a long time where the Education Department had more than one employee.  With the addition of Camp Director and Lead Educator…

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Education Corner- New Faces in The Marsh

With the main portion of Michigan’s waterfowl season behind us, I thought I would share a bit of my experience this year. I seem to spend a great deal of my personal time taking new people out into the field with me. As this is only my 4th season as an avid waterfowler and I…

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Education Corner: TRACKS for Christmas

With Thanksgiving behind us and deer and waterfowl season winding down that can only mean Christmas gift hunting/shopping season is here! The average American is going to spend nearly $1,000 dollars on holiday gifts this year. Here at MUCC we have a much more cost-effective method on a great gift for the kids or grandchildren…

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