Recruiting Staff and Campers

With about six weeks before summer camp season starts Tyler is keeping busy. This month on top of opening up the facility and working on updating some curriculum our big focus is on recruiting. We are recruiting with a two-pronged approach, as we are recruiting to hire our last few staff members for the season and we are trying to fill up our camper spots.
We are busily trying to get our camps filled and the kids sorted into the right programs. One of our focuses is on the Riley Wilderness Youth Camp. This is a scholarship program put on by the Riley Foundation in partnership with SCI-Novi, which sends kids to a week of camp free. There are a few benchmarks to qualify for the scholarship, if you would like to learn more please visit
All of our camp programs are open to the public as well as our club members and our ultimate goal is to get camp filled to capacity this summer. We have 400 available slots each summer and the last two years we have been running between 90 and 95% capacity. With this being, Tyler’s 2nd year and my 6th summer we are making a big push to get camp over the hump of 95% and push hard to be full every week we offer programming.
To get more information on what programs we have available and find the application to get your son, daughter, grandkid, nephew, niece, or neighbor signed up visit our webpage Our programs do fill up on a first come first served basis and some are already full so make sure you start the registration process soon.

Youth Camp Chelsea Michigan
On the camp staff-recruiting front, we are in the final month of recruiting. We have filled several key spots and have several camp veterans returning to our team this year. I recently returned from a recruiting trip to the U.P. where I spent a week visiting classrooms at Lake Superior State University and attending a job fair at Northern Michigan University to recruit staff for camp. However, we are still looking for a few more male educators/counselors (must be at least 18) and a couple of Program Assistants (must be 16-17 years old).
All of these positions are paid positions with meals and housing included! To apply or for more information on each job, you can click the link: You can also send Tyler a resume at if you are interested in a position.

With May, moving along it is time to act. Whether you are getting a kid signed up to join us at Cedar Lake, or to lock up a summer job for you or someone you know the time is now! So get your kids signed up and take a look at the jobs we still have available before the summer starts and you miss out.

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