White-tailed Deer: How do they Survive Michigan Winters?

June NRC Preview

White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are considered to be one of the most popular game species in Michigan, and for good reason. Nothing beats the adrenaline rush when a big buck walks out in front of your hunting spot. During this time of year, deer are well adapted to survive the cold and snow, but why…

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Peace out Rainbow Trout: My last week of service.

My AmeriCorps service with MUCC is coming to an end this week. I’ve met a lot of wonderful and passionate people through On the Ground, outreach days and MUCC’s Out-of-Doors Youth Camp. The OTG Program hosted 28 events this year during my term. It was extremely gratifying to help improve wildlife habitat across the state…

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Nerves of Stihl: On the Ground Volunteers Participate in Chainsaw Safety and Stewardship Day

Last Saturday,  November 4th, 2023, MUCC’s On the Ground program partnered with Fenner Nature Center and Daisy Tree Care to host a Chainsaw Safety and Stewardship Day on FNC’s grounds. In total, 14 volunteers learned basic chainsaw maintenance and then got some hands-on experience cutting unwanted logs and trees in Fenner’s Maple Grove. The course…

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On the Ground Junior: Students from the Mecosta-Osceola Career Center braved the rain to help improve wildlife habitat in their community

On Tuesday, October 10, 2023, high school students and instructors from the Mecosta-Osceola Career Center participated in MUCC’s On the Ground Jr. program in partnership with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to improve wildlife habitat at Haymarsh Lake State Game Area.  During the morning portion of the project, students were divided into teams and…

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