August 29th Policy Insider

State Issues MUCC has submitted its official public comment on the proposed expansion of Camp Grayling. The DNR has updated the expansion FAQ, and public comment is still open. Members of the public should get their comments submitted by the end of August. MUCC opposes the expansion of Camp Grayling except in a national emergency,…

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MUCC August Policy Insider

MUCC Our traditional email campaigns have proven to be a valuable and effective tool for reaching legislators, but our tracking shows that text messages to our members prove to be an even more effective method of communication. If you click this link, fill out the form with your cell phone number, make sure both boxes…

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MUCC Opposes Two Bills in Committee

Michigan United Conservation Clubs (MUCC) will oppose two pieces of legislation receiving a hearing in the House Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Committee this Thursday. HB 5740 and HB 5902 are both authored by Rep. Eisen (R-St. Clair Township). HB 5740 would create a new  seven-day license option for seniors that allows use of a…

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MUCC applauds bipartisan funding for Michigan parks

On Thursday, the Michigan Senate passed a bipartisan, multi-billion dollar appropriations agreement on infrastructure, including a historic one-time expenditure in Michigan’s State and local parks. The supplemental package included $450 million in federal coronavirus relief funds to support state and local parks across Michigan: $200 million will be appropriated to local parks and recreation projects;…

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Regulation of Commercial Guiding Industry Long Overdue in Michigan

Please click here to view MUCC’s one-pager on commercial guiding. Sometimes you look at something and it seems so obvious. How did nobody think of this before? Peanut butter and jelly, dipping grilled cheese in chicken noodle soup, creating a common sense, enforceable set of requirements for commercial guides to protect the safety of both…

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Trio of bills aims to provide oversight of commercial guiding in Michigan

By MUCC Policy Assistant Justin Tomei, Michigan United Conservation Clubs has worked for more than six years through the Michigan Legislature to enact commercial guiding oversight in Michigan. This legislation has been amended several times since its original form, and it is a good starting point for making sure outdoor enthusiasts hiring guides are…

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