Managing For Oak Wilt Workshop

A prevalent invasive species is affecting Michigan oak trees. Oak wilt is a devastating disease carried by burrowing insects and spread through root systems. It attacks the vascular system of the tree and is fatal for all species in the oak group. The leaves of the infected tree start to wilt and discolor, eventually dropping.…

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Summer Berry Foraging

Spring and summer give way to the sweet splendors of berries. Besides the popular blueberries and strawberries, Michigan is also home to juniper berries, bramble berries, elderberries, juneberries and staghorn sumac berries. Each is well worth the effort and summer berry foraging can be done on state land. Although it may not seem like it…

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CWD Charrette Team Needs Public Input

Michigan State University Researchers, stakeholder organizations and the Michigan DNR are looking for public input on the creation of a Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) outreach and education plan. The results of nearly 18 months of work with a pandemic interruption, we are seeking interested people to join in the planning process. A charrette is a…

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World Water Day

World Water Day was yesterday. A day founded on the belief of equal access to clean water and dedicated to its conservation. The theme for 2022 is how climate change and water are linked. This is the perfect opportunity to talk about wetlands. Besides the carbon storage capabilities of wetlands, the impact of these communities…

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Mushroom Foraging in Michigan

Michigan is full of amazing wildlife and there are many ways to enjoy the space around you. A great activity that allows you to explore the wild areas of Michigan is mushroom foraging. Mushroom foraging can be tricky and certainly makes you appreciate the complexity of nature. But with a good identification book and possibly…

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Maple Syrup Season

March is maple syrup season in Michigan. It may surprise you to know you can make maple syrup from the trees in your backyard. The process may be a little time-consuming, but it is well worth the effort.    Materials Needed:  Drill with a 7/16-inch diameter drill bit Spout  Sap collection container Storage containers, such…

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Ultimate Sport Show Grand Rapids. March 10-13

With hints of spring in the air, cabin fever can really have a hold on you. However, there is something to do on the west side of the state this weekend that will get you off the couch. The Ultimate Sports Show Grand Rapids is a four-day event held at Devos Place in Downtown Grand…

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Track Chairs

This Saturday, March 5, MUCC will be at the Kleekamp Tract of the Gladwin SGA in Clare County. Our group of volunteers will be clearing shooting lanes and access areas for hunting blinds, graciously donated by Michigan Operation Freedom Outdoors (MiOFO). One of the many restrictions for people with disabilities is being able to experience…

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Camp Scholarships Available

As camp registration rolls on, we wanted to share two scholarship opportunities available for children to join us down at Cedar Lake this year. The Riley Wilderness Youth Camp scholarship and the Connor Shea Memorial Scholarship both provide full scholarships for one week at camp. Applications for either scholarship can be found here. Riley Scholarship Opportunity:…

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Huron Pines AmeriCorps

As many of you know I am MUCC’s new Huron Pines AmeriCorps member. Excitingly, March 13th – 19th is AmeriCorps Week, a celebration of the work being done by current members. They are sharing their experiences at their host sites through social media to spread awareness of the program and to help others understand why…

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