Great Volunteer Opportunities!

Serving with Michigan United Conservation Clubs as the Huron Pines AmeriCorps member, my favorite responsibility is working with the volunteers that come out to help with MUCC’s Field programs. This past Sunday, I was able to get outside and volunteer with the Parks and Recreation Division of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) at…

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Take the OTG Volunteer Survey Today

With more than 3,100 volunteers and more than 150 wildlife habitat improvement projects completed, the On the Ground (OTG) program has impacted wildlife habitat on public land throughout Michigan. As we look back and review the past eight field seasons, we are compiling data and reports to build a comprehensive picture of the OTG program’s…

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OTG Wildlife Volunteer Opportunities this March

Join the OTG program this March as we improve habitat for small game by building brush piles in Harrison and Kalkaska. Brush piles are a critical component of quality small game habitat, and volunteers with the OTG program have contributed countless weekend hours across the Lower Peninsula building what we call “rabbitat” (rabbit habitat). Despite…

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Prescribed Fire as a Habitat Management Tool in Michigan

Note: Cover photo by Jonathan Schechter. A Brief History of Fire in Michigan Despite being best known for its abundant forest and water resources, Michigan’s natural history has also been molded by fire. Many fire-adapted ecosystems like jack pine forests, oak savannas and grasslands all rely on fire for optimal health and regeneration. Before the…

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Happy Holidays from OTG

Happy Holidays from the On the Ground (OTG) program! Although 2020 was filled with its fair share of challenges, we still had a very impactful season when it comes to wildlife habitat improvement in Michigan. Thank you to the dedicated volunteers that have helped shape OTG into the award-winning program that it is. We are…

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On the Ground: How to Get Involved in 2021

The On the Ground (OTG) program is already adding wildlife habitat improvement events to the 2021 calendar, and we are looking forward to returning to the field with fellow conservationists in the new year. Despite limitations early last field season due to COVID-19, the OTG program was able to end the field season with seven…

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On the Ground: Thank You, Wildlife Volunteers

Although 2020 has had its fair share of hardships, there is still much to be celebrated and grateful for. This is especially true for the On the Ground (OTG) program, which faced an uncertain fiscal future and limited habitat improvement hours due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we are now ending the year on a…

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Prevent Oak Wilt by Pruning Oak Trees in the Winter

Oak wilt is a fungal disease that is carried to oak trees by small beetles that feed on the sap produced from fresh wounds to the tree (i.e. pruning, storm damage). The spores of the fungus then move through the vascular system of the infected tree, which is responsible for transporting water throughout the tree.…

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On the Ground: 2020 Year in Review

Despite limitations early in the field season due to COVID-19, the On the Ground (OTG) program was still able to improve habitat across the state of Michigan during the 2020 fiscal year (October 2019 through September 2020). While a typical field season usually includes 20-25 habitat projects, the OTG program hosted eight in 2020. Volunteers…

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OTG Wraps Up 2020 Field Season

This past Saturday, the MUCC 2020 field season wrapped up with an On the Ground native tree planting near Kalkaska. It was a crisp fall day, and I am thankful that it was dry because it was a very good day to be outside planting trees. This particular project was funded in part by a…

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