On the Ground: Students from Reese High School Improve Habitat In and Around the Cass River

On Wednesday, September 21, 2022, juniors and seniors from Reese High School joined MUCC’s On the Ground (OTG) program in cleaning-up public access sites along the Cass River in Vassar Township. Conservation students picked-up multiple bags of litter and removed large items of trash from the Cass River and surrounding access sites including tires, vehicle…

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On the Ground: Year-to-Date Impacts and What’s to Come

With only about one week left until autumn, MUCC’s On the Ground (OTG) program is prepping for it’s short but sweet fall field season. This October, we’ll be planting mast-producing trees in Kalkaska County and then putting our rubber boots to the ground at Pierce cedar Creek Institute in Hastings to remove invasive woody vegetation…

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On the Ground: Volunteers Celebrate the Life and Legacy of Dean Barnum by Improving Wetland Habitat at Kellogg Community College

On Friday, September 2, 2022, 41 volunteers joined MUCC’s On the Ground (OTG) program in partnership with Kellogg Community College to clean up the Linear Path and improve pollinator habitat on campus. Volunteers removed trash from Spring Lakes wetland area and performed trail maintenance around Linear Path at Kellogg Community College (KCC). Joining in on…

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Save The Date

Volunteers are the backbone of MUCC’s OTG program. Without people willing to give their time to statewide conservation initiatives the program wouldn’t exist. We cannot thank everyone enough for their dedication to wildlife, MUCC, and the OTG program. Fall is coming soon; the changing leaves are coupled with more OTG events. Keep reading to learn…

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On the Ground: Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

With only about a month left of summer, we look towards fall for crisper days, colorful trees and perfect weather for putting our boots to the ground to improve wildlife habitat and public land access throughout Michigan! There are multiple opportunities to volunteer with OTG through the month of October including planting trees for wildlife…

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On the Ground: Volunteers Kick-Off Annual Convention by Increasing Hunter Access at Rose Lake SGA

On Friday, June 24, 2022, 15 volunteers helped increase hunter and recreationist access in the central part of Rose Lake State Game Area by repairing an access bridge, removing woody vegetation from around the bridge and maintaining surrounding trails by removing trash and invasive vegetation at access sites. In total, volunteers removed invasive vegetation from…

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