Chainsaw Safety

This wonderful warm weather marks the time for yard work. For some, this is the time to break out their chainsaw. A chainsaw is a useful tool that makes easy work clearing debris/brush and felling snags. However, don’t be deceived, this tool can cause great bodily harm if used irresponsibly. Luckily there are many online…

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Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake

One of the best things about being an AmeriCorps member is the new experiences. From May 4th to the 6th, I drove to Camp Grayling to participate in the eastern massasauga rattlesnake survey. I had never worked with venomous snakes before, so this was a very exciting opportunity. The eastern massasauga rattlesnake is the only…

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Male Counselors and Kitchen Staff Needed

Although it may not feel like it outside, summer is fast approaching.  As we continue to make preparations for our summer camp down at Cedar Lake, it is becoming crunch time for hiring our camp staff.  We still have several job openings with the most crucial needs being male counselors and kitchen staff. In the…

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Native Plant Gardens

Last Saturday MUCC’s OTG program planted 275 shrubs and trees at Potterville SGA. Currently, the area is being managed for wetlands. American hazelnut, buttonbush, highbush cranberry and two dogwood varieties were planted across 8 acres in the SGA. Besides bringing the area closer to its goal, the species planted are utilized by wildlife. Not only…

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Volunteers Prep Camp for Season

Last week staff and volunteers spent four days down at the Cedar Lake Outdoor Center preparing the facility for the upcoming summer season.  Each year opening and closing the property is a massive effort and we appreciate all of the help we get in both the spring and fall. The Cedar Lake Outdoor Center has…

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The History of Arbor Day

This Friday, April 29, is the 150th anniversary of Arbor Day. A day dedicated to the appreciation and care of trees. Most people spend the time planting trees or teaching about their importance, but the holiday can be celebrated in many different ways. Some hold a ceremony recognizing stewards in the community, some clean up…

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The History of Earth Day

Earth day was created as a community-based change confronting pressing environmental concerns. In 1970, the year of the first Earth Day, the Cuyahoga River caught on fire due to the high concentration of pollutants, the coast of Santa Barbra was covered in oil, DDT was reducing the population of songbirds and raptors and whales were…

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Michigan Out-of-Doors Youth Camp is Hiring

Michigan Out-of-Doors Youth Camp is returning to overnight programming in 2022 and will be hosting campers at the Cedar Lake Outdoor Center. Our camp is a unique experience creating opportunities that have life-changing impacts on the next generation of conservationists. In addition to outdoor technical skills like hunting and fishing, campers learn teamwork, resiliency, problem-solving,…

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The Great Grasslands of Michigan

Grasslands provide many amazing ecological functions. A wide range of different grassland community types is found across Michigan. Sadly, due to a misguided viewpoint from the 60s, fires as a management tool have been suppressed across the region. This lack of fire has allowed trees and woody vegetation to take over many grasslands. Common culprits…

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Staff and Volunteers Wanted

As April begins, preparation for the summer 2022 season at the Michigan Out-of-Doors Youth Camp is beginning to kick into a higher gear. Camp Director Ashley Carmichael has been busy recruiting new staff at college job fairs and working through the hiring process. She has a few more to attend this week, but we still…

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