Gratiot-Saginaw Bridge Repair

With multiple hunting seasons coming soon, having a functioning bridge at the Gratiot-Saginaw State Game Area is necessary. If you have not visited, the Gratiot-Saginaw SGA consists of 16,966 acres located in Marion Township. Previously covered in farmland, the area now supplies habitat to wildlife species. On the allotment, 700 acres are dedicated to waterfowl.…

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Double the Trouble with MUCC’s OTG Program

MUCC’s On the Ground (OTG) Program is double booked. This is great news for volunteers because there are more events to choose from. If you are looking for something to do on Saturday, August 20, consider attending an OTG habitat improvement project. Bullock Ranch State Wildlife Management Area (Upper Peninsula) Volunteers will help clear invasive…

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July 9th Harley Ensign BAS Shoreline Clean-Up

On Saturday, July 9th MUCC’s OTG program, Clinton River Watershed Council and Lake St Clair Walleye Association will be at the Harley Ensign Boating Access Site cleaning up the shoreline. This will be a very exciting event full of special guests. The United States Power Squadron will be giving a boating safety demonstration and performing…

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Enjoyable State Game Areas

Michigan is in full bloom, everything is green, and the weather is wonderful. Summer is the perfect time to explore the outdoors. There are many ways to enjoy nature, such as bird watching, hiking, foraging, fishing and boating. The presence of protected wildlife areas gives us access to these activities and protects wilderness for years…

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Native Plant Gardens

Last Saturday MUCC’s OTG program planted 275 shrubs and trees at Potterville SGA. Currently, the area is being managed for wetlands. American hazelnut, buttonbush, highbush cranberry and two dogwood varieties were planted across 8 acres in the SGA. Besides bringing the area closer to its goal, the species planted are utilized by wildlife. Not only…

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The History of Arbor Day

This Friday, April 29, is the 150th anniversary of Arbor Day. A day dedicated to the appreciation and care of trees. Most people spend the time planting trees or teaching about their importance, but the holiday can be celebrated in many different ways. Some hold a ceremony recognizing stewards in the community, some clean up…

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The History of Earth Day

Earth day was created as a community-based change confronting pressing environmental concerns. In 1970, the year of the first Earth Day, the Cuyahoga River caught on fire due to the high concentration of pollutants, the coast of Santa Barbra was covered in oil, DDT was reducing the population of songbirds and raptors and whales were…

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OTG Jr. Kicked-Off at Denmark Twp State Game Area Last Week

MUCC’s On the Ground Junior (OTG Jr.) kicked off last week at the Denmark Township State Game Area (SGA) with two groups of students from Reese Middle and High School’s Out-of-Doors Club. Student volunteers worked in teams to remove invasive woody vegetation and stack brush into piles that will serve as “rabbitat.” The ultimate goal…

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The Great Grasslands of Michigan

Grasslands provide many amazing ecological functions. A wide range of different grassland community types is found across Michigan. Sadly, due to a misguided viewpoint from the 60s, fires as a management tool have been suppressed across the region. This lack of fire has allowed trees and woody vegetation to take over many grasslands. Common culprits…

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