NRC Reviews Deer Management, New Commissioners Seated at Upcoming Meeting

The Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC) will meet Thursday to make decisions on new rules for the 2021 deer hunting season, including new antlerless deer tags and changes to a slate of regulations impacting the Upper Peninsula (U.P.).  The proposed deer regulations would impact deer hunters statewide and could include the legalization of crossbows during…

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2021 Deer Regulations Postponed at December NRC Meeting

The Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC) met Thursday to hear public testimony on new rules for the 2021 deer hunting season, including revisions to antlerless deer licenses, crossbow use and antler point restrictions (APRs).  While deer regulations are normally brought before the NRC on a three-year cycle, they have recently been brought up annually to…

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Deer Regulations up for Action at December NRC Meeting

The Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC) will meet Thursday to take up a slate of new rules for the 2021 deer hunting season, including revisions to antlerless deer licenses, crossbow use and antler point restrictions (APRs).  Deer regulations are normally brought before the NRC on a three-year cycle, however, they have come up annually for…

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Deer Regulations Appear at November NRC, Wolves Discussed

July 2024 NRC Preview

The Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC) met Thursday to review proposed rules for the 2021 deer hunting season.  These include a removal of the Upper Peninsula’s (U.P.) “Hunter’s Choice” option, the creation of a universal antlerless license and legalizing crossbows during the late U.P. archery season. However, most of the public comment period centered around…

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Tests needed for Bovine TB Surveillance Program

The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) work in partnership with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to establish surveillance quotas in order to detect changes in the occurrence of bovine TB in free-ranging white-tailed deer. The seven counties surrounding MDARD’s  Modified Accredited Zone (MAZ) have…

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2021 Deer Regulations Appear at November NRC Meeting

Legislature passes SB 52 Harvest Reporting Decriminalization

The Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC) will meet Thursday to review new rules for the 2021 deer hunting season, including a universal antlerless license, removal of the Upper Peninsula’s (U.P.) “Hunter’s Choice” option and the use of crossbows during the late archery season in the U.P. Each of these rules, and others presented in WCO…

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Action Alert: Call your senator urging them to support commercial fishing legislation

Current statutes and administrative rules regarding the licensing and regulation of commercial fishers in Michigan are decades old and do not sufficiently protect game fish from commercial impacts. Further, MDNR conservation officers are unable to adequately protect the fisheries from exploitation and illegal activity due to the outdated statute. House Bills 4567, 68 and 69…

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September NRC Meeting Recap

The Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC) gathered input from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the public regarding changes to a few fishing regulations last week.  The NRC met virtually on Thursday for consideration of a fisheries-heavy agenda. The Michigan DNR hosted the meeting, and a recording can be viewed on this online platform.…

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Gov. signs appropriations bill putting carp money back on the table

Gov. Whitmer signed Senate Bill 745 yesterday, which reappropriated the $8 million earmarked for the Brandon Road Lock and Dam project meant to keep invasive Asian carp from the Great Lakes. In March 2020 amid COVID-19 budget constraints, Gov. Whitmer line-item vetoed the $8 million that was earmarked as Michigan’s contribution for the preconstruction, engineering…

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Fisheries Orders Reviewed at August NRC Meeting; Debate About Deer

The Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC) gathered input from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and other stakeholders regarding fishing regulation changes this week.  The NRC met virtually on Thursday to consider a number of agenda items. The Michigan DNR hosted the meeting, and a recording can be viewed using this link.  NRC members had…

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