




Past Project Log: Completed FY2023

October 14, 2023 - Mast-Producing Tree Planting and Brush Pile Building in the Traverse City Forest Management Unit (Kalkaska County)

On Saturday, October 14, 2023, MUCC’s OTG program collaborated with Gib King of Land Ethic, LCC to host 23 volunteers at a mast-producing tree planting and brush pile building event in the Traverse City Forest Management Unit (Kalkaska County). In total, volunteers planted one-hundred 6-foot trees including various crabapple, hawthorn, and serviceberry species. Not only will these trees provide nutrients to wildlife like deer and turkeys, but they will also serve as year-round cover and nesting habitat for a variety of wildlife like songbirds and small mammals. Furthermore, volunteers also assembled 10 large brush piles for “rabbitat.” Approximately 12 acres of wildlife habitat were directly impacted by this project.


October 10, 2023 - Tree Planting and Brush Pile Building at Haymarsh Lake State Game Area (Mecosta County)

On Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 22 volunteers from the Mecosta-Osceola Career Center’s Career in Technical Education program joined On the Ground in partnership with the Michigan DNR Wildlife Division to improve habitat for wildlife at Haymarsh Lake State Game Area. Student volunteers constructed brush piles, removed invasive autumn olive, planted trees, and learned about land navigation and tree ID. In total, student volunteers improved about two acres of wildlife habitat during this project.


October 7, 2023 - Wildflower Plug Planting/Oak Savanna Habitat Restoration at Cannonsburg State Game Area (Kent County)

On Saturday, October 7, 2023, 21 volunteers joined MUCC’s On the Ground program in partnership with Kent County Conservation in planting native wildflower plugs and spreading native seeds on an active oak savanna restoration site at Cannonsburg State Game Area. In total, volunteers improved one acre of wildlife habitat and planted hundreds of native plugs that will help increase biodiversity on this piece of public land.


September 27, 2023 - Brush Pile Building and Trail Camera Project in the Two-Hearted River Forest Preserve (Luce County)

On Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 20 volunteers including high school students from Lake Superior State University’s Career in Technical Education program participated in a brush pile-building project in The Nature Conservancy’s Two-Hearted River Forest Preserve. Students then deployed four trail cameras in various locations to monitor wildlife activity around the brush piles. These trail cameras will be maintained by The Nature Conservancy over the next year. In total, students built six large brush piles and impacted about two acres of wildlife habitat during this project.


September 23, 2023 - Tree-Planting and Fencing in the Pigeon River Country State Forest (Otsego County)

On Saturday, September 23, 2023, MUCC’s OTG program collaborated with the Michigan Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the Michigan DNR to host 47 volunteers at a mast-producing tree planting and fencing project in the Pigeon River Country State Forest, Storey Lake Unit in Vanderbilt. In total, volunteers planted 63 five-foot trees including oak, apple, and serviceberry. Furthermore, volunteers removed old fencing surrounding an orchard on the property, as well as hundreds of red oak saplings that were encroaching on a wildlife opening. Approximately 25 acres of wildlife habitat were directly impacted by this project.


September 13, 2023 - Native Pollinator Garden Installation at Kellogg Community College (Calhoun County)

On Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 10 volunteers gathered outside the Davidson Building at Kellogg Community College in Battle Creek to join On the Ground in creating important pollinator habitat on campus. After just a couple hours of work, volunteers planted and mulched an 80-foot garden bed just outside the entrance to the campus building, creating habitat for pollinators like songbirds, butterflies, and bumble bees. Some of the native species that were planted include bee balm, black-eyed Susan, columbine, milkweed, goldenrod, spicebush, and nannyberry. Volunteers also spread 20 cubic yards of natural hardwood mulch throughout the garden!

The partnership between MUCC and KCC was sparked after each organization (along with Battle Creek’s Willard Library) received generous donations from the estate of late KCC professor and conservationist, Dean Barnum. At this event, we celebrated the life and legacy of Dean and took this opportunity to improve habitat while beautifying this spot on campus.


September 9, 2023 - Invasive Vegetation Removal at Gourdneck State Game Area (Kalamazoo County)

On Saturday, September 9, 2023, 26 volunteers joined MUCC’s OTG program in partnership with the City of Portage Parks and Recreation and the Michigan DNR in removing invasive woody vegetation from an oak woodland/fen habitat. By restoring these habitat types, volunteers are directly impacting imperiled habitats used by rare reptile species, including eastern massasauga rattlesnakes and eastern box turtles. In total, volunteers improved about 2 acres of wildlife habitat.


August 26, 2023 - Mast-Producing Tree Planting in the Shingleton Forest Management Unit (Delta County)

On Saturday, August 26, 2023, 20 volunteers planted and fenced 130 mast-producing trees in the Shingleton Forest Management Unit in Delta County. In this partnership project hosted in collaboration with the Michigan DNR Wildlife Division with help from Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, a mix of red oak, apple, and ash trees were planted in an effort to improve forage for wildlife including white-tailed deer and upland game birds. Approximately 5 acres of public land were positively impacted through this planting project that was sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation.


July 15, 2023 - Annual Manistee River Cleanup at High Bridge Boat Launch (Manistee County)

Volunteers gathered at High Bridge Boat Launch to clean-up trash from the Manistee River by boat, kayak, and on foot. Those with boats welcomed others onto the water and worked together to gather trash from Rainbow Bend in Manistee to Tippy Dam in Brethren. In total, 55 volunteers helped pick-up and properly dispose of hundreds of pounds of trash including fishing line, rusty chain, bed frames, treated wood, and abandoned buoys. They hauled all of this waste back to the High Bridge Boat Launch where it was properly disposed of. By removing trash from the river and surrounding public land, volunteers improved over 15 river miles of fish and wildlife habitat.

Project partners and sponsors included Steelhead Manifesto, USFS Cadillac-Manistee Ranger District, Michigan DNR Adopt-a-Forest, and Great Lakes Great Responsibility.


June 24, 2023 - Native Wildflower Plug Planting at Pierce Cedar Creek Institute (Barry County)

On Saturday, June 24, 2023, 21 volunteers joined MUCC’s On the Ground program in partnership with Pierce Cedar Creek Institute in planting native wildflower plugs on active prairie restoration areas on PCCI’s property. In total, volunteers helped improve 1 acre of wildlife habitat and planted over 1,000 native plugs that will benefit upland birds and a variety of other wildlife.


June 10, 2023 - Mast-Producing Tree Planting in the Newberry Forest Management Unit (Luce County)

On Saturday, June 10, 2023, 13 volunteers helped plant nearly 90 mast-producing trees in the Newberry Forest Management Unit. In this partnership project hosted in collaboration with the Michigan DNR Resources Wildlife Division with support from a generous member of MUCC, a mix of red oaks and various types of apple trees were planted and fenced in an effort to improve forage for wildlife including white-tailed deer and upland game birds. Approximately 10 acres of public land in the Newberry Forest Management Unit were positively impacted through this planting project.


May 23 and 24, 2023 - Native Tree Planting and Brush Pile Building at Chesterfield Township State Game Area (Macomb County)

On May 23 and May 24, 2023, 115 sixth grade students and faculty from Norup International School participated in MUCC’s On the Ground Junior program in an effort to improve wildlife habitat at the Chesterfield Township State Game Area (SGA) in Macomb County. During the two-day project, student volunteers split-up into small groups and rotated through four stations where they participated in activities ranging from building brush piles, archery lessons, a pollination relay race, and planting native trees like white oak and quaking aspen.

During these projects, approximately 110 native trees were planted and 8 large brush piles were constructed. Students helped improve a total of 5 acres of land for wildlife at the game area.


May 20, 2023 - Fence Removal and Installation at Potterville State Game Area (Eaton County)

On Saturday, May 20, 11 volunteers joined MUCC’s On the Ground (OTG) program in partnership with Eaton Conservation District and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to remove old, degraded barbed wire fencing at Potterville State Game Area in Eaton County. This small but mighty crew removed approximately 10,000 feet of barbed wire from the property,  impacting more than 25 acres of wildlife habitat on public land. The stretch of fencing that was removed included a quarter mile of barbed wire along the Thornapple River.

A few volunteers also assisted DNR Biologist Randy Heinze in constructing a fence along a property boundary to fulfill an agreement that was made during the acquisition of this new game area. This will help ensure that recreationists on this piece of public land will not trespass on private property.


May 13, 2023 - Native Wildflower Plug Planting in the Manistee National Forest, Cadillac-Manistee Ranger District (Manistee County)

On Saturday, May 13, 2023, MUCC’s OTG program collaborated with the US Forest Service, Cadillac-Manistee Ranger District and the Michigan DNR Wildlife Division to host 16 volunteers at a native wildflower plug planting project in the Manistee National Forest near 6 Mile Bridge River Access. The oak-pine barrens is a semi-open fire-dependent savanna community, with a vegetative structure midway between a forest and a prairie. This natural community is one of the most imperiled in the state, and it provides habitat for a variety of rare species, including dusted skipper, grizzled skipper, monarch butterfly, numerous bumblebees, eastern box turtle, red-headed woodpecker, and eastern massasauga rattlesnake. It’s also home to game species such as wild turkey, white-tailed deer, and even the occasional black bear. Participants planted butterflyweed, common milkweed, sand coreopsis, wild lupine, horsemint, wild bergamot, blazing star, and other species. The Wardens TV show also filmed at this project and the episode will air in 2024.


May 10, 2023 - Invasive Woody Vegetation Removal and Brush Pile Building at Denmark Township State Game Area (Tuscola County)

On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, a group of 32 student volunteers and staff from Reese Middle School Out-of-Doors Club participated in a grassland restoration project at the Denmark Township SGA by cutting down invasive woody vegetation and stacking brush into piles to create “rabbitat.” In total, these student volunteers impacted about 7 acres of grassland habitat, which will benefit various species of upland wildlife.


May 6, 2023 - Jack Pine Planting in the Grayling Forest Management Unit (Crawford County)

On Saturday, May 6, 2023, a group of 34 volunteers joined Kirtland's Warbler Alliance, Huron Pines, and MUCC's OTG program in planting approximately 3,500 jack pine saplings within the Grayling Forest Management Unit in Crawford County. Jack pines are a critical nesting habitat feature for the once threatened Kirtland’s warbler. In total, volunteers directly impacted about 4 acres of wildlife habitat that day.


May 4, 2023 - Native Shrub and Tree Planting and Pollinator Plot in the Little Betsie GEMS (Benzie County)

On Thursday, May 4, 2023, 69 students and faculty from Grand Traverse Academy in Traverse City volunteered to improve wildlife habitat in the Little Betsie Grouse Enhanced Management Site in Benize County. Students created a pollinator garden by planting native wildflowers and milkweed seedlings. They also planted native shrubs like ninebark, sweetfern, and wild plum along with nearly 100 white oak seedlings. Participants gained hands-on experience improving and enhancing wildlife habitat by restoring pollinator habitat and planting mast-producing trees and shrubs that will provide food and cover for a variety of wildlife for years to come. Students also participated in archery lessons and pollinator habitat-related activities. In total, approximately 3 acres of wildlife habitat were directly impacted by this habitat project.


April 29, 2023 - Edge-Habitat Enhancement and Brush Pile Building at Port Huron State Game Area (St. Clair County)

On Saturday, April 29, 2023, 12 volunteers joined MUCC’s On the Ground program in partnership with the MDNR in constructing brush piles and working on edge-habitat softening in Port Huron State Game Area. In total, volunteers improved approximately three acres of wildlife habitat and created 14 large brush piles that will benefit a variety of wildlife including American woodcock and rabbits.


April 27, 2023 - Invasive Vegetation Removal and Brush Pile Building at Rose Lake State Wildlife Area (Shiawassee County)

On Thursday, April 27, 2023, 31 high school students who are part of the Animal Science and Zoo Management program at Potter Park Zoo in partnership with Eaton Regional Education Service Agency Career Preparation Center joined OTG Jr. and the Michigan DNR at Rose Lake SWA to clear invasive black locust trees from a wildlife opening. Using the cut vegetation, they constructed several large brush piles to benefit small mammals and other wildlife using the cut woody vegetation. In total, about 1 acre of wildlife habitat was directly impacted by volunteers.


April 22, 2023 - Maintaining Wildlife Openings, Edge-Habitat Feathering/Softening, and Brush Pile Building in the Traverse City Forest Management Unit (Kalkaska County)

On Saturday, April 22, 2023, 56 volunteers joined MUCC’s On the Ground program in partnership with Land Ethics LLC in constructing brush piles and working on edge-habitat softening in the Traverse City Forest Management Unit. For this project, we were joined by special guest Mark Kenyon of MeatEater’s Wired to Hunt podcast as part of his Working for Wildlife Tour. In total, volunteers improved approximately 18 acres of wildlife habitat as well as removing trash from eight miles of trail on public land in Kalkaska County.


April 15, 2023 - Clinton River Watershed Clean-Up at Dawsons Millpond and Beaudette Park in Pontiac (Oakland County)

On Saturday, April 15, 2023, 28 volunteers joined MUCC’s On the Ground program in partnership with Metro-West Steelheaders and the Clinton River Watershed Council to pick up trash from Dawsons Millpond and Beaudette Park in Pontiac, MI (Oakland County). During spring migration, this area attracts many species of warblers and other migrating songbirds. In the winter, Dawsons Millpond does not freeze-over so many overwintering waterfowl find refuge at this park. In total, volunteers removed 50 bags of trash from the Watershed, improving 33 acres of terrestrial and aquatic habitat.


March 24, 2023 - Invasive Vegetation Removal and Brush Pile Building at Edmore State Game Area (Montcalm County)

On Friday, March 24, 2023, 23 volunteers joined MUCC’s OTG program in partnership with the Michigan DNR in removing invasive woody vegetation from an area dedicated to woodcock habitat restoration. In total, volunteers improved about 3 acres of habitat and created 17 large brush piles on public land in Montcalm County.


March 4, 2023 - Aquatic Habitat Enhancement Project at Au Train Lake (Alger County)

On Saturday, March 4, 2023, 30 volunteers joined MUCC’s OTG program in partnership with the UP Resource Conservation and Development Council and Alger Conservation District for a volunteer stewardship day at Au Train Lake in Alger County. Volunteers created brush bundles/course woody debris structures that will later be deployed throughout the lake, helping to boost fish populations. This project is part of a larger initiative that aims to collaborate with various partners to enhance aquatic habitat and boost fish populations at Au Train Lake. Project partners include UP RC&D Council, Alger Conservation District, DNR Fisheries Division, Hiawatha National Forest, MUCC OTG, MSU Extension, and Alger County Road Commission. In total, volunteers directly improved approximately 3 acres of fish habitat on this day.


February 18, 2023 - Wood Duck Nest Box Maintenance and Installation at Maple River State Wildlife Area (Gratiot County)

On Saturday, February 18, 2023, 17 volunteers assisted the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) in cleaning-out and maintaining wood duck nest boxes and installing four new nest boxes at Maple River State Game Area. In total, volunteers improved wood duck nesting habitat over 36 acres of wetland in Gratiot County.


February 4, 2023 - Invasive Black Locust Treatment at Rose Lake State Wildlife Area (Shiawassee County)

On Saturday, February 4, 2023, 14 volunteers joined MUCC’s OTG program and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources after a morning of hunter safety at Rose Lake Shooting Range. Volunteers got a taste of what OTG is all about by participating in a habitat improvement project led by DNR Wildlife Technician Chad Krumnauer in the Rose Lake State Wildlife Area. In order to slow the spread of black locust trees that are currently encroaching on a wildlife opening public hunting land, volunteers drilled small holes into each tree and treated the spots with herbicide that prevents tree growth. Each treated tree was then marked with flagging and will be removed at a later date. The goal was to treat as many trees as possible to prevent seedpod development and overall regeneration of this invasive tree in the spring. In total, volunteers impacted about 1 acre of wildlife habitat during this project.


January 7, 2023 - Invasive Buckthorn Removal at Gourdneck State Game Area (Kalamazoo County)

On Saturday, January 7, 2023, 28 volunteers joined MUCC’s OTG program in partnership with Portage Parks and Recreation and the Michigan DNR in removing invasive woody vegetation from a wetland/fen habitat. By restoring these mixed habitat types, biologists hope this area will once again be home to many reptile species, including eastern massasauga rattlesnakes and eastern box turtles. In total, volunteers improved about 2 acres of wildlife habitat.


October 29, 2022 - Invasive Woody Vegetation Removal to Benefit Critical Reptile Habitat at Pierce Cedar Creek Institute (Barry County)

On Saturday, October 29, 2022, 22 volunteers joined MUCC’s OTG program and Pierce Cedar Creek Institute (PCCI) in removing invasive woody vegetation from critical reptile habitat in Barry County. This project took place in an oak woodland/prairie fen habitat that’s sought-after by many reptile species, including eastern massasauga rattlesnakes and eastern box turtles. The removal of invasive woody autumn olive promotes the restoration of the unique habitat that is critical to these rare reptiles. In total, volunteers improved about 1 acre of wildlife habitat and helped create a firebreak that will allow for future habitat restoration activities in the area.


October 22, 2022 - Mast-Producing Tree Planting and Brush Pile Assembly at Traverse City Forest Management Unit (Kalkaska County)

On Saturday, October 22, 2022, MUCC’s OTG program collaborated with Gib King of Land Ethic, LCC to host 17 volunteers at a mast-producing tree planting and brush pile building event in the Traverse City Forest Management Unit (Kalkaska County). In total, volunteers planted one-hundred 5-6 foot trees including various crabapple, hawthorn, and serviceberry species. Not only will these trees provide nutrients to wildlife like deer and turkeys, but they will also serve as year-round cover and nesting habitat for a variety of wildlife like songbirds and small mammals. Furthermore, volunteers also assembled 3 large brush piles for “rabbitat” (more brush piles will be constructed at a later date).